lighting/safety question from newbie


Active Member
been wanting to start for sometime. However, in my enthusiasm, I think I made my first mistake. ordered seeds to my own address. Is this a major safety concern? Also, I've read about DEA and LEO's tracking people who order lighting systems online through major dealers. How can I get a good lighting system without making the same mistake I made with the seeds? went to Home Depot and Lowes today saw MH and HPS bulbs but no viable fixtures. suggestions? an alternative shipping address isn't viable - how dangerous is ordering a lighting system to your own address really?


Well-Known Member
u can stay low if ujust bought the fixture 1 week from ebay and all the bulbs form local stores with CASH no credit cards.but when they hit u up and see u bought a bunch of lightning equipment, bulbs, soil and shit they are suspicious an dhave a right to be. as for seeds tell us where u ordered tehm from if its nirvana or a trusted site ur good but tell us the site. how did u pay fot the seeds if its a credit card dont do it again NO PAPER TRAIL!!


New Member
having seeds sent to your home is a bad idea. having them sent to your growroom is even worse. get a private mail drop and pay by money order. or grow outside.


Active Member
yeah I realize I was stupid used a credit card on top of it. should I wait on my lighting. how to progress without undo paranoia. Sabud, I bought the seeds from Amsterdam Seeds seemed like a reliable source and the transaction on my statement said Teletik Safepay. Also, any direction toward putting together a cheap 600W MH light system at local hardware would be much appreciated


Well-Known Member
they are not allowed to moniter anthing legally, unless it has to do with terrorism, you can buy it from an online store with credit card no problem,

lets think, why do online store sell grow lights and supplies?

Answer: because they sell the shit out of that stuff, if the feds monitored that shit you know how much man power that would take? let alone it is against the law for them to do it.

Now if you buying like a $5000 super grow machine type thing made for high capacity comecial growing then maybe i could understand being squimish

also the whole po box thing, I would trust that less cuz its like a red flag that you are being shady if you already have a fixed address and you open a po box in the same town.



Well-Known Member
yeah I realize I was stupid used a credit card on top of it. should I wait on my lighting. how to progress without undo paranoia. Sabud, I bought the seeds from Amsterdam Seeds seemed like a reliable source and the transaction on my statement said Teletik Safepay. Also, any direction toward putting together a cheap 600W MH light system at local hardware would be much appreciated

also dude picture this. say you take those seeds you got and put them on your mantel and never use them. all of a sudded you get raided?? and the cops just are standing there looking stupid with no grow to bust??

no way man, just think if they even if they could obtain your info of the purchase legally they have no idea if you are growing them or not, how much you may grow, if you fucked up and none grew, if you did it just for fun and never grew, I mean no way. only way is if you ordered seeds from some sort of sting operation site

good luck though


Active Member
Pandabear you're speaking what I want to hear, but shiny green as I am - still wary. Logically what you're saying makes sense but I want to hear personal experience. Do you know a large enough section of people that have ordered seeds and lighting equipment to their home using a person credit card that haven't had any trouble?
Or, for the wary - paranoid - folks, can you give me a story of someone who has been busted for these reasons?
My first instinct is that if the seeds get through customs - no big deal. Also, seems like enough people order indoor lighting online that tracking each 600W order is a ridiculously tall task.


Well-Known Member
yea thats true,

but I was very paranoid too when I started, I wouldnt even throw a single thing in my garbage related to growing for fear that they have monitored my seed purchase and were pulling my trash to find somthing so they could get a warrent, but I have had not an issue yet, only thing I would be warry of is ordering seeds online and delivering them to your home while you already have an op up and running. that seems risky just incase your seeds get stopped by customs and they come sniffin around puttin thier nose where it dont belong.

but if you order seeds and you dont have a grow operation, even if you have all the lights set up and stuff and they come a knockin all they can do is get you for having seeds:mrgreen:

big whoop I would laugh at them if they busted me for seeds.

also if you wanna play it safe order all your stuff and just grow 1 plant under a good light, then you can LST the hell out of it to make it yeild as much as several plants but if you ever get busted all you have growing is one stinkin plant, whats the worst they can do to you for only one. no jury would send you to jail for one plant would they, as long as you say "I was a dumb kid" "I am very sorry"

Also you should go to the NORMAL website and check you state laws,

lastly make sure you go on google maps and check to see if you are within 1000 ft of a school as that would allow them to make the charges very steep incase you get popped.

reduce risk, but realize there is risk. You are the only one responsible for yourself so dont listen to me, im just putting my opinion out there.