Lighting question


Active Member
I am using a 400 watt light and have a 4x4 foot grow tent setup.What is the most plants that you think I could grow ,with the most effeciency and best yield,Thanks


Active Member
In realistic terms your 400w light (thinking HPS or MH) is good for about 2x2 area, with some bleed over to the 3x3 area.... depending on size pots you use, you will be looking at anywhere form 4-8 plants MAX... with 4 plants being reasonably well lit through flowering.


Active Member
i have a 4x4 with a 400w and i do one huge plant and yield more than when i tried to stuff three or four plants in ive found they like to compete for the light and you end up with a mess of stretch however i use a 2x3 tray so if you want wall to wall carpeting go for a larger watt light