Lighting Question


Active Member
I'm going to be growing in a closet that is about 22" x29" I was planning on growing 2 to 3 plants just wondering if I could get by with using a 400w HPS? I know the whole more is better but I really don't have the dough for a 600w.
While the price difference between a 400 and 600w light is nominal, 400w for 2 to 3 plants will be more than sufficient.
I'm going to be growing in a closet that is about 22" x29" I was planning on growing 2 to 3 plants just wondering if I could get by with using a 400w HPS? I know the whole more is better but I really don't have the dough for a 600w.

Bigger question is in a 22" x29" box how you plan to keep that light cool and a safe distance from the tops of the plants!

well to keep the closet cool ill have a 6" axial fan for intake and another for exhaust plus, I have 98" worth of heighth so I have a pretty good distance if need be.
400 is enough 600 will get more denser buds and can be used if you get more space later. Difference in price from a 400 to a 600 watt light is about $20. Maryland Hydroponics has digital switchable ballast that run both mh and hps bulb use up to 20% less pwer and are overclocked to give off equal light to 640 watts of bulb and cost only $119 each .I use then and love them. Instant on, no ballast heat, silent running and extra bright with low power usage