Lighting question


Active Member
I have a plant that is in the flowering cycle and the time is 9 hours on 15 off. I want to add 2 more CFL's it would be a total of 220W. I want to know if that would be to strong because of the hours.


Active Member
im using a small lamp i was given b someone who said it would work... it has, but its starting to get bigger, what would be best to get for it... and i dont want to have to pay loads.......


Active Member
I just want to know if adding 160W of florecent lght would be okay if my plant is already in the 9-15 cycle.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
its been a long time sence iv read up on anything, but i belive your plant need 12 hours of light for the plant to get the energy it needs to grow while lights are out. i could be wrong. but yes the more light the better.