lighting question please help.


Active Member
my gro room is 2'w x 2'L x 2' h (extendable to 4 ft in height)if im going to use cfls what is the proper way to place light bulbs for flowering to get maximum or proper lighting i am also using mylar on the walls...i have limited space and budget i am growing two plants ..hope someone can help anybody?


Well-Known Member
Get the book "Buds for less" by seemorebuds. It will show you everything you need to know about growing with cfls. I got mine at Barnes and Noble.


Well-Known Member
Ok, now you will need atleast 3 ft for the pot and plant height. And also, your lights will need to be directly above the plants located in which ever way directs light on the plants best. Your room will need atleast 4 ft up if you wonna yeild around 3 ounces max. Thats also considering there both females.


Active Member
when using cfls the best light comes off the side so mount the light on its side above the plant and also you should get one blue light


Well-Known Member
my gro room is 2'w x 2'L x 2' h (extendable to 4 ft in height)if im going to use cfls what is the proper way to place light bulbs for flowering to get maximum or proper lighting i am also using mylar on the walls...i have limited space and budget i am growing two plants ..hope someone can help anybody?
If your budget allows it, you may want to consider a T5 HO system, 2' x 2' x 4' is ideally a job for a 2' eight tube T5 HO fixture.(Usually the 2 T5HO fixture is 24" Sqr, or slightly less, the perfect size for your situation) You could always buy a 2' four tube T5 HO light, or 2' six lamp fixture, then buy another one down the road.

You know if I were on a tight budget, for two plants in a 2' x 2' x 4', space, you could get away with a 2' TT55 fluorescent fixture. the cheaper ones are about $69 A better quality one is double that.

....Or you could just use CFL's if you budget is uber tight :roll:


Well-Known Member
Not a lue light but a light that emits blue spectrum, the blue spectrum helps all around stem and leaf growth. A light with the red spectrum helps produce bigger fatter buds. So thats why you use those while flowering.