Lighting problem planned out..tell me what you think please

On Off Dem Grapes

Active Member
So my grow room is about 4feet tall 6 feet long and 2 feet plan is to use two 150 wat MH light bulbs for veggy and switch the bulbs to hps for flowering....think ill have a heat problem? how tall do you think they can grow? here a pic of my grow room....ima build a door after i get this situated....Thank You..



Well-Known Member
With cool tubes, well over 2 feet depending on your growing medium's required height below..
Without bulb cooling, aim for 18".. That way if they accidentally hit 2' you should be ok..

On Off Dem Grapes

Active Member
so u think i should be good wit 2 150 watt mh bulbs???? cuz im using cool tubes right now and im tryin to use a diff type of light...

On Off Dem Grapes

Active Member
i kno i just relized i got mixed up hahaha for a cool tube MH....what should i be lookin for?? 150 wat? 250 watt?....cuz i dont want it to get hella hot in there feel me.....ima cut a big hole on the side of the grow room and put a screen for air can go in and out and in and im puttin a fan in there.....i just need the perfect lights for a perfect grow


Well-Known Member
id use a 250 and maybe split the grow box in half and have a flower side and a veg side or something like that you should get a hps light and ballast for flowering