Lighting. Mother & clones


Well-Known Member
IC, you'll want even less light then for the clones, and you're going to try and fit 6 - 8 mothers in that space? I'm thinking that's a bit much, unless you are able to keep them small, I was thinking one or two mothers, also thanks for visiting my journal...


Well-Known Member
okay maybe 8 was being a little too optimistic...

but in 4" RW... i should be straight with 6-8 small moms


Well-Known Member
moms and clones do best with low amounts of light. like one 23w cfl per plant, or one per tray of clones (one of your cabs).

you want your moms to stretch a bit to get the best cuttings with long stems. you want your cuttings to have low light, so they root instead of continuing trying to grow....

imo, if you can get a small enough fixture, t12 tubes would be your best bet, one cool (daylight) and one warm (kitchen and bath) per chamber.
i think this chick is on to something.... maybe you should check it out? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i hear you sweetheart....but t12 tubes are way too big arent they....?
i think you can get them in 18'' fixtures, i think even 12''....but don't quote me on that. i know i've had some minis...

also, cfl's will work, but don't use any bigger than 23w. they don't need it...