Lighting mixtures

I am currently using two flourescent 48" t12 phillips indoor plant bulbs, in one fixture. But I am worried that they are not putting out enough light. I was wondering if i could also use another type of light i have already in conjunction with the flouro's. They are two blue spectrum high lumen lights i got from a pet store for planatarium use( i think they're meant for lizards) but anyway, i had them on the plants before i got the flouro's and they worked great, the plants skyrocketed it seemed, but my main question is can two different types of lights be used at the same time or is this dangerous/damaging to the plants? I would consider using cfls as well, just open to comments/criticism/ideas. THANKS!!!


Active Member
6500 and 2700's are good mix for your plant some say have more 6500's during veg state and more 2700's during flowering. I think the ratio was like 3:1 or something like that.

Best of wishes and Much Respects
6500 and 2700's are good mix for your plant some say have more 6500's during veg state and more 2700's during flowering. I think the ratio was like 3:1 or something like that.

Best of wishes and Much Respects
WTF is 6500 and 2700? light spectrums? i know blue is better for veg and red is better for flower, but as for numbers im lost.


6500 Veg, 2700 Flower. Your not going to give it to much light at those numbers of any spectrum. pick up some cheap CFL's and through them on as well. you will be fine.