Lighting Issues


Well-Known Member
What up 420 nation! I think I have an issue but not sure so here we go.........I have 7 girls that I took from a mother plant that have been growing nicely. I recently left them in dark for 24 hours and then started the flowering process. Problem is I noticed this morning that my timer malfunctioned and thus my lights have not been going to 12/12. I'm not sure how long this has happened, I just noticed it today. The girlies have only been flowering for a week but I can already see the white pistil formation. My question is, will this hurt my girls? I have since changed timers and started them on a new 12/12 cycle with the same on/off time as in the past? Thanks for your help!:weed:


New Member
I am far from an expert, but from reading about situations like this elsewhere...I would say you will be ok. Other post I have read on situations like this pretty much say it should be ok. BUT hopefully someone else with more experience will chime in.


Active Member
Should be just fine you may see a few deformed leaves pop up, but don't be alarmed by them.

Had the similar thing happen only worse, I was 4wks into flower left for vacation.
Some how my brother flipped the manual switch on the timer that keeps the power on all the time.
So I came back to plants that were re-vegging because the lights were on for 2wks straight 24/7.
In my case it greatly lowered yield and had tons of misshapen leaves but they went right back into flower.
I doubt you will see any negative effects, good luck with the rest of the grow.