lighting help...first grow


Well-Known Member
i need to buy lights and dont have a lot of cash. the plants just sprouted and are living off window light right now but i need to know what the cheapest way to light them is. i was wondering if growing light bulbs would work instead of buying a big fixture. please help


Well-Known Member
ok thanks ill look at them. is there an easy way to use 3 or more at a time other than multiple lamps :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
alright. i was reading the forums and it says u need 12/12 for the plants to flower. does that mean i should continue to grow the plants indoors since the lighting isnt going to be 12/12 outdoors


Well-Known Member
Yes, you need to copy the short days of fall when the plant's flowers are at their peak. So unless you want to wait for fall, do it indoors on your timetable.


Well-Known Member
Your probably lookin at around like $50 ish range, Or atleast thats how much 2 dozen cfls plus the y adaptors would cost around here. roughly. But, i seriously reccomend however u set it up. ur probably gonna want reflectors. What they do is take the light and direct it where ever u want it 2 be directed at. This will increase your light efficency a shitload. You got any pics of them?? Or have they even came up yet?


Well-Known Member
i dont have any pictures yet im going to try and take some this week and put them up. some of them came up and have 2 little leaves on them


Well-Known Member
I'm in the UK so I don't know if this advice will apply to the US, but after paying around £80 for a 400w hps with digital ballast, I was more than a little bitter to hear from a friend that they had picked up a similar 1000w system at a police auction for less than £10 (paying cash and not having to provide ANY id or details at all). As there is nothing inherently illegal about a bulb/reflector/ballast itself, but they are frequently seized as part of cannabis busts, apparently such items are frequently auctioned off at ridiculously cheap prices. Might be worth looking into in your area if you are on a tight budget.


Well-Known Member
Lmao, yah. i bet they do. They probably sell them to put money in there own pockets though. So they probably dont care. Atleast that sounds like something a cop from the U.S. would do. I smell bacon is smell pork, run little piggy I got a fork :D