Lighting and Heat Questions


Active Member
I am currently running a 400 watt sun system 2 ballst in in my 4x4x8 tent.I am getting another 400 watt wing light from a friend to run them both together er go 800 watts,3 questions 1...I want to run 1 with hps and 1 mh together is this a good idea or should i just use hps for both during flowering ,2...How many plants can I do ...3...should i run just 1 light for veg and save using both for flowering


Well-Known Member
i would run just hps as you get more bang for your buck but I have friends who swear by the multi spectrum. plant # depends on genotype, how long you will veg them, growing style ie scrog, etc. I would run one mh for vegging. as I never kick out too much power for vegging. what beans are you looking at running?

Grow mo

Active Member
thats a perfect idea! a lot of high yielding growers, professionals, and just simply smart people do this. i would do it but im outta money :(