light cooling

dr. weird

im keeping 4 plants in an open space. i just got a 400 watt hps with an arctic sun air cooled reflector, ive got some budget issues and im wondering how crucial an inline fan for exhaust is right now. obviously it would be more efficient, but im wondering if i can just take the glass cover off the reflector and train some wall fans on it until i get more bread for an in line fan.
also, whats the difference between an axial fan and an in line fan? can both be used in air cooled reflectors?


Well-Known Member
im keeping 4 plants in an open space. i just got a 400 watt hps with an arctic sun air cooled reflector, ive got some budget issues and im wondering how crucial an inline fan for exhaust is right now. obviously it would be more efficient, but im wondering if i can just take the glass cover off the reflector and train some wall fans on it until i get more bread for an in line fan.
also, whats the difference between an axial fan and an in line fan? can both be used in air cooled reflectors?
not necessary atm if ur temps are ok, u said they in an open space.. its winter here atm and i dont even need a fan on my 400 atm..
thats inline and centrifugal.. centys are more powerful but also more $$ ull be fine with an inline