light and dark cycle's


Well-Known Member
right i dont know quiet how to put this so here it is??

18/6 veg 12/12 flower.. so at which point between these cycles does a plant actually start to flower i.e 16/8??.. 14/10???.. or is it when it get to 12 hours????

george xxx

Active Member
Not good at explaining this process but its not inbetween anything. Switching the lights to 12/12 forces a plant to go into the flowering cycle.


bud bootlegger
all strains react differently to the flowering phase, but they all go off of the hours of darkness that they receive at a time.. whether it's 12 hours, or 10 or somewhere in between..

the only reason that everyone goes with 12 / 12 is simply for the fact that it seems that all plants will flower under the 12 / 12 schedule, and that's pretty much it..

a good way to find out would be to slowly lower your times down, an hour or so at a time, and leave them like that for about 2 weeks or so, then lower them again, until you see when the plants start to flower..
this would be a huge pain in the ass of course to do, so most people simply stick to 12 / 12, a tried and trued method, even if it's not an exact science.. :D


New Member
Veg at 18/6 only, no reason to do it any different.

Once you decide to flower, switch to 12/12. But flowering really doesn't begin on average for me until about 2 weeks later after the 12/12 switch. Many folks who do use breeders flowering times to estimate harvest time like myself, start counting from the 12/12 switch which is wrong unless your plants begin to actually flower(show white pistils) in veg which can happen but it's rare. You should begin counting from "first signs of white pistils".


Well-Known Member
Veg 18/6 flower 12/12.ALOT of plants start to preflower @6-7 weeks no matter what light cycle.So if you veg for 2 months and you see pistils don't worry its not budding yet.


bud bootlegger
so for vegging then u could do a 16/8 light cycle?????
yes, you could veg under w/e light schedule you'd like, so long as they don't receive enough dark to build up the flowering hormones which would make them start flowering..

also, foods and sugars are made during photosynthesis, so i think more light is better, but only to a point.. i once read jorge cervantes say that if you veg your plants under 24 hours of light that they will grow 33% faster than plants grown under only 18 hours of light..

so of course after reading this, i thought to myself, shit, i want my plants to grow 33% faster, and threw mine into 24 instead of 18 / 6 or 20 / 4... it seemed to me that my plants actually didn't grow any faster under 24, and in fact seemed to be doing a bit worse imo.. not that they looked bad, but it was very evident that they were doing much better when they had some dark time.. whether it's 4 hours or 6, i don't think it really mattered too much, but ime, some dark is better in veg than no dark at all.. :D


Well-Known Member
right i dont know quiet how to put this so here it is??

18/6 veg 12/12 flower.. so at which point between these cycles does a plant actually start to flower i.e 16/8??.. 14/10???.. or is it when it get to 12 hours????
Photoperiod plants like marijuana respond to shortening light cycles to trigger the bloom phase and eventually seed production. Pot will indicate, flower and complete fruiting with as little as 9 hours for many strains. I have found this true mainly of sativas or sativa dominant hybrids from gene stock in equatorial latitudes. I have flowered indicas with 10 with no increase in hermie production. But you have to resort to total darkness for a period (I do 36 hours pitch black) and then 12/12 for a few days to make the buds tight and finish quickly. In my own experience. I stick to 12/12 now for ease of operation.


Well-Known Member
yes, you could veg under w/e light schedule you'd like, so long as they don't receive enough dark to build up the flowering hormones which would make them start flowering..

also, plants and sugars are made during photosynthesis, so i think more light is better, but only to a point.. i once read jorge cervantes say that if you veg your plants under 24 hours of light that they will grow 33% faster than lights grown under only 18 hours of light..

so of course after reading this, i thought to myself, shit, i want my plants to grow 33% faster, and through mine into 24 instead of 18 / 6 or 20 / 4... it seemed to me that my plants actually didn't grow any faster under 24, and in fact seemed to be doing a bit worse imo.. not that they looked bad, but it was very evident that they were doing much better when they had some dark time.. whether it's 4 hours or 6, i don't think it really mattered too much, but ime, some dark is better in veg than no dark at all.. :D
My experience with 24 hours is similar to yours. No noticeable benefit and increased light bill. I think everything on earth deserves some rest anyway, including sharks.


Well-Known Member
right i dont know quiet how to put this so here it is??

18/6 veg 12/12 flower.. so at which point between these cycles does a plant actually start to flower i.e 16/8??.. 14/10???.. or is it when it get to 12 hours????
That's almost as good as asking "when does REM sleep begin".
Sorry, but that's more vague than 'when is sunrise'..... the weatherman says "x hr and so many minutes", but how bright you consider sunrise, how bright I consider sunrise, and what the weatherman says is "the standard" may all be different things.
It isn't possible to pinpoint any of those things to a minute or hour, but just to geusstimate.
I hope that helps, I know what it is like as a newb to constantly be waiting for everything to happen like it is for everybody else.