LIFTED.So its my first Time...(PICS) (?'s)


Active Member
So this is my first grow ever, well so far its been nutes, just water and light and a little pruning. But now is when it gets tough, I have the setup you see in the pictures currently setup in my 2x4x8 closet ( a little ghetto, i know, but...) Today at 5 PM when my plant goes to bed i will start rebuilding, Here are pics of my plant so far and my current setup. This is carly, she is a NL#5 x Blueberry, i call it blue lights, she is a 4 week old clone, had a couple problems with leaf burn from being to close to my CFL's. I currently have one 42watt (150 Watt HID) CFL, two 23watt (100 watt HID) CFL, two 2ft 23 wat flo grow tube lights, and 1 23 watt 3ft flo tube. I have little circulation but the plant seems to be thriving so any info on how to rebuild my closet non ghetto or any kind of idea on a system i could use or anythingreally would be awesome. I will add more CFL's as the plant matures...



Active Member
why are you comparing the real cfl watts to higher hid wattages? Are you mixing up the comparison they do of cfls to incandescents?


Active Member
Whats up Lifted.... I just finished my first grow with cfls. I had 6 42 watters in a closet with no ventilation and water from the sink with nothing else and I still got an ounce off of one plant so good luck with your grow. I am about to build a box for my next grow you already know a little bit about it though. If you are going to go all cfls then you have to have side lighting. My first plant looked great at the top but the sides looked like shit. They were very weak. I would go with 42 watters on the side too. You may want to use floro tubes and I think that those would work but since you are using cfls as the primary light source then you should pull out all the stops and use the best. CFLS have limited penetration into the plants so if you use tubes on the side rather than big 42 watters you want get the results that you may want. The problem I found with those 42 watters is they are like 9 or 10 dollars a piece so if you can't get a bunch then just use as many as you can. You need a fan in the box to promote stem strength and with cfls you don't need much and I think on amazon you can get computer fans pretty cheap. You don't have to have both active intake and active exhaust unless you want that. I am going in that direction to help with air exchange, smell, and temps. I would still find a place for all the lights you have now though. On my first grow a bunch of people told me to use daylight bulbs 6500k for the veg state and soft white 2700k for flower. They said it gives best results and that may be true but i spent a bunch of money on my light fixture and pots and 42 watt bulbs and everything else so I didn't do that. One thing that helped me was that I kept the lights about an inch away from the plants at all times. That can get a bit tricky because you could burn a bunch of leaves if your box isn't cool enough and I did burn a bunch of leaves but it helped create a giant main cola. I am not at home so when I get there I will post a pic of it so you can see. Try to have a ton of light though because it will help when using cfls. I seen someone use 8 of those 42 watters and get 3 ounces off of one plant but they were expert growers using things like proper ph and watering as well as ventilation. If you need some more help just keep posting and I will try to get back with you and if you want some help designing the box just hit me up. I will post more if I think of it.


Active Member
Yeah I found a chart comparison, and a lot of them say on the box...i know its not exactly the same thing but its close


Active Member
So this is my new setup, mounted 2 24" flo grow lights, + my 42 watt CFL and the two 23 watt cfls, to a 1'x3' shelf wrapped in reflective foil, mounted the surge protectors to it, it looks much better, but i went in there today and all the sudden there was a spider, 20 gnats, and a dead yellowjacket i aaround my plant, she stinks so good, but what do i do about the bugs????plus what does everyone think about the setup.



Well-Known Member
hey man =) nice setup,i like it. and your plant is looking good too:weed: im currently on my first grow, just switched my lights to 12/12 today, im stoked haha
heres a pic of my plants. left one is lemon haze, right one is bagseed from montana



Active Member
nice lookin plants dude. did you do lot of cropping to get them shaped that way, case mine seems to grow up and tall even though its indica dominate...any ideas on the bug problem?


Well-Known Member
yea somewhat, just pruning off dying leaves and i topped the plant on the right. i just have kept my lights pretty close to keep em short and bushy.hers a pic of how i got my lights rigged up, and i dont really have any experice with bugs... have only delt with a small gnat infestation that wus taken care of with a small cup of vinegar



Active Member
I am posting some pictures of my grow. I only vegged for 2 weeks. The picture of the setup was when I first set it up. I moved the lights away so that I could take a good pic. But for the grow I had the lights 1 inch away. Yeah I wish I could have gotten more than an ounce but I didn't use much light and the plant did not have great conditions. I used 6 42 watters so if you add up the wattage on mine and compare that to the wattage on yours then you may get a rough estimate of what you are looking at with your grow. If you have less wattage then you should up it. You should really go more than me. If I had to do it over again I would go way more. I am about to start my second grow in about a week and for the whole last grow I was saving my money to buy some hid lights. Just add as much light as you can and when you flower use as many 42 watters as you can. I would go with like at least 10 plus if you already have those tubes and 23 watters use those still too. The more lights though the more heat. Make sure you have a fan or some air exchange. I just cracked my closet door when the lights were on but it was a bitch wake up and close the door every day when the lights went off. The weed I grew was just from some stuff I smoked over the last year. Anytime I find a seed in my bag I save it. My next grow is Super Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese or Chiesel, and LA Confidential.



Active Member
Man that is gorgeous lookin bud dude so lime green it looks great...alll CFL's nothin else? i hope my buds look that healthy. I may get a little more because i got 2 weeks left on veg and its already been a month so i fig the plant will be between 1.5 and 2.5 feet when i induce still think only an ounce...what strain is that in the pics? and i plan on adding at least 5 more 42's for flowering...can you get 100 watt HPS or MH systems..if so where


Well-Known Member
oh you just put vinegar ina cup or bowl and set in your room like half foot from your plant, all the gnats more attracted to the vinegar and they bum rush it and drown themselfs after 2 or 3 days. it may take like a week but it will deffinatly help. and yea it wus a bit tricky lol i have a weird shaped closet so i cant really hang em ne other way ya kno. but there just the 23 watt 100watt equvelents

and my lights just kicked bak on after my first 12 hours dark period :clap: my plants grew atleast 4 inches in the dark. alot more then i thought they would. im a bit worried if theyll fit in my closet for the whole grow lol but jus sayn it might get alot bigger when you flip to 12/12 so dont build a permanant light setup where they cant grow alot taller during flowering. just a thought lol



Well-Known Member
oh and for seedlings and vegg, you will get alot more growth with mostly blue spec bulbs, 5600k and in flowering its best to use the the red spec bulbs, 2700k
red spec bulbs will work for veg, but your loosing probly a foot in growth overall.


Active Member
so the red vinegar or white...or does it matter...and you flowered with low K spectrum CFL's? thats sweet...yeah i got the lights rigged so you just roll the top bar and the strings wrap around it and raise all the lights as the plant grows...the bigger it gets, the more lights i will continue to add...can you see in pic one how its setup...what do yall think about the setup, and how many more lights will i have to get? its 5 bulbs total, two 23 watt cfls, 1 42 watt cfl, and 2 24" 23 watt floro grow bulbs you can see them all in the last pic. in the last to days, i havent noticed any growth, before that it was noticable everyday, why would it slow down like this?

