Lies Lies How Many Of You Lie


Active Member
Some Of You People Read A Book Or Look At The Net And You Are Master Gardeners.what Ever You Say Ill Read Your Lies.but You Know The Truth. Found Some Seeds And Grew A Weed Wow. Your A Drug Kingpin. Bull Sh*t,plagerized Crap. Have Fun But Watch Who You Listen To Read Their Passed Threads To Feel Them Out. Not Every Thing Is True. You Feelin Me Cuz I'm Feelin You.
Just trying to pass on information as I find it to others. Don't have very much money so I can't conduct fancy experiments. Life is sharing.
Yeah, I'm feeling you dude.............................
Where do you come off with this attitude from? You assume that there is some magical secret that is being kept from you and only you? If there was a secret, with your attitude, which member did you think would want to hand it over to you? We understand your question perfectly, but being as you've already alienated yourself, due to your attitude, happy hunting!

Listen To Me I Already Grow With Great Results I..a.m...l.o.o.k.i.n.g... F.o.r...t.h.e...l.i.t.t.l.e...t.h.i.n.g.s...t.h.a. t... W.o.r.k.e.d... F.o.r...y.o.u...a.n.d...a.r.e...n.o.t...i.n...u.s. e...b.y... T.h.e... That Better Not Widely Known,trix, Secrets,.................... Does Any One Under Stand This Question?
this dude sounds pretty angry. i thought canadians were supposed to be laid-back lol

well look at hell's Angel's, Biggest gang in North America started by canadians run by canadians. Cops cant even interfer with what they do... but this guy is just retarded... since ottawa has been here all ive heard is negative things from him... tsk tsk tsk