Liberty Caps "Magic Mushrooms" and Astral Projection

Hey there I exp astral projection hmm-mm, when i was a young buck about 14 or 15 yrs ago ,
something that is impossible to forget ,I don't want to influence anyone in using Liberty Caps also known as magic mushrooms , These require a sound state of mind at the time i was reading lots of eastern Buddha stuff bit of beatnik poetry also and philosophy stuff like Alan watts in shit
Anyway Ive had two Major spiritual experiences in my life First time was in a forest on top of the Dublin /Wicklow mountains were id just foraged some liberty caps just outside the forest My friend and i consumed some of these in a flask of tea that we brought ,

I chanted some of my fav philosophy while awaiting some affects it went .....
"There no going towards it , There no going away from it , i am it so become who i am "
well let me tell yea enlightenment is not a good enough word for what happened us friends
there's an old saying that goes " Those that speak do not know , and those who know do not speak , it was like that my friend and i only need look at each other LIFE ,TREES, everything was... im sorry words just dont cut it , Godness

Second time was different i was on a mild dose of shrooms in the suburbs i was hanging out with friends and i got a huge urge to just walk away and lie down on the ground somewhere by my self , which i did , it was night time i rose "projected out of by body " rising up first thing you notice is the absence of the physical Realm "plane" of existence its so Astral as they say i was taking in the moment i knew what was happening , after a short time i felt too overwhelmed and attempted to re enter my body which i did and the sensation of re entry was AWESOME thingles al over my body it felt just like you'd imagine it to feel ,Shrooms are a spiritual Drug also its a poison in the shroom that makes us have this affect its been used in my country for thousands of years right back to the ancient Druids i believe ,Honestly one could find themselves at the Doors of Perception and have different exp than i did
I never lost control using these on the contrary I Gaind lots of inner identity
Sure since then i tried inducing it threw meditation in stuff but the best i can do is flying Dreams Ive had such flying dreams and have been awake in them from places that looked like Mars to earths roads and houses
Finial y sorry i know im starting to waffle on a bit know il finish by saying what has helped me to dream of flying Practice threw out your day from time you get out of bed thinking about things rising , example if your outside try visualize hot air balloons rising up in the sky ,even the smoke rising from your cig or joint

airplanes anyting that helps you think of stuff rising ,when you've got your mind used to think of shit rising everyday eventually when you sleep YOU will rise and fly just like i did
I posted this somewhere in the sprituality thread also ,