Lets just bomb em...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hey what do you think..shouldnt we just drop a few dozen atom bombs oir nukes on the middle east like Iraq,Iran,Afgahnastan,isreal,palestine,that koren nuts and just start those places over with noweigein folks who are nice and calm. Then we could bring all the troops home and everyone would be happy and there would be no more thousand year religious wars..Oh and then we could just flam throw any angry christian group that starts spouting off about god righteousness..What cha think good idea??I amk so ready for the responses on this lol


New Member
I second the idiot part. That was one gross picture. Do you realize that we've condemned a few hundred thousand Iraqis to cancer with our DU munitions, and our soldiers that are breathing the vile dust in Iraq. Watch the cancer rates of Iraqi veterans go through the roof in coming years.


Well-Known Member
I second the idiot part. That was one gross picture. Do you realize that we've condemned a few hundred thousand Iraqis to cancer with our DU munitions, and our soldiers that are breathing the vile dust in Iraq. Watch the cancer rates of Iraqi veterans go through the roof in coming years.

Everyone who lives in Iraq has cancer!!! It must be true since everything about Iraq is horrible. AmIright?!


Well-Known Member
That was a pretty stupid thing to say. I for one do NOT think that killing many people is something to joke about.


New Member
Hey what do you think..shouldnt we just drop a few dozen atom bombs oir nukes on the middle east like Iraq,Iran,Afgahnastan,isreal,palestine,that koren nuts and just start those places over with noweigein folks who are nice and calm. Then we could bring all the troops home and everyone would be happy and there would be no more thousand year religious wars..Oh and then we could just flam throw any angry christian group that starts spouting off about god righteousness..What cha think good idea??I amk so ready for the responses on this lol
Norwegian folks? No way ... they eat stinky fish.

Let's make the replacements Italian folks. Much better food. :blsmoke:


PS: Filthy ... try to keep in mind that there are "progressives" who post here and they are devoid of a sense of humor. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
FilthyFletch, please dont smoke at a gas station.

I would laugh this thread off, but it is in the Politics section, not the toke and talk or wherever else you should be bullshitting around.

The last thing this forum needs is more useless back-and-forth in the wrong section.

If you were serious about "bombing 'em", and this is in the right section, then go fuck yourself you stupid fucking cunt.


Well-Known Member
FilthyFletch, please dont smoke at a gas station.

I would laugh this thread off, but it is in the Politics section, not the toke and talk or wherever else you should be bullshitting around.

The last thing this forum needs is more useless back-and-forth in the wrong section.

If you were serious about "bombing 'em", and this is in the right section, then go fuck yourself you stupid fucking cunt.
now now.. thats the hostility that fuels our country :blsmoke:

"lets go bomb em all", sounds like something a slack jawed yodel would say.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
This is great lol ViRedd is the only one who had enough brains to not get sucked into this. I made the thread to suck the dumbacartes out as them and ultra liberals dont pay attention to the facts just enough to feed thier stupidity and as we can see a good handfull came out took the bait and got themselves all worked up without even see the obvious fact at the end of my first post .This was to prove that liberals and democartes do not care about the facts if its right in front of them they take part of a statement and run with it. It amuses me how easy it is to insite them with nothing more then a statement with a laugh clearly posted on the end.Sams an idiot of all idots he ready for war but wants to talk down to a statement that said ok lets go all out but then he's rational to stop violence is to wish death and harm on someone he doesnt know or even have met.Thats the typical democrate liberal stance jump without facts or investigation. Thanks for the people who played along and showed a point so many dems and liberals deny but were willing to show right here in this thread.Simple folks is such a scarey thing..yeah and umm lets bomb France since they were breaking international treaties and um yeah ireland cuz they drink all the whisky lol idots cant believe it was that easy...Those who actually read the statement stopped turned thier brain on and got it.Thank goodness theres still some intelligence left out there...Now those who got embarrassed come back and post your hate and anger over your stupidity.enjoy


Well-Known Member
This is great lol ViRedd is the only one who had enough brains to not get sucked into this. I made the thread to suck the dumbacartes out as them and ultra liberals dont pay attention to the facts just enough to feed thier stupidity and as we can see a good handfull came out took the bait and got themselves all worked up without even see the obvious fact at the end of my first post .This was to prove that liberals and democartes do not care about the facts if its right in front of them they take part of a statement and run with it. It amuses me how easy it is to insite them with nothing more then a statement with a laugh clearly posted on the end.Sams an idiot of all idots he ready for war but wants to talk down to a statement that said ok lets go all out but then he's rational to stop violence is to wish death and harm on someone he doesnt know or even have met.Thats the typical democrate liberal stance jump without facts or investigation. Thanks for the people who played along and showed a point so many dems and liberals deny but were willing to show right here in this thread.Simple folks is such a scarey thing..yeah and umm lets bomb France since they were breaking international treaties and um yeah ireland cuz they drink all the whisky lol idots cant believe it was that easy...Those who actually read the statement stopped turned thier brain on and got it.Thank goodness theres still some intelligence left out there...Now those who got embarrassed come back and post your hate and anger over your stupidity.enjoy
I am not a democrat. But your thread did backfire. Nice deflection attempt though.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
oh shame shame shame if you still think this was thread based on reality I cant help you.Read the last sentence in the first post it will clearly show you I was setting this up to amuse me with hot headed responses


Well-Known Member
true that, now boys lets look at the real point behind the first post and take it further.

America has the means to take all its enemies and destroy them by noon time today.

they would save countless of thier sons daughters mothers and fathers for centuries to come.

But we dont do it even tho it is in our very peoples interest........

What do you think our enemies would have done in our position?


Now the 64 million dollar question.........will you allow them to get in our position? or are you already allowing it? are "they" your democratic leaders already trying to allow them get into the position we are in, to have the capacity to burn and scorch the earth at thier leisure?

the answer if you are a democrate is. YES

So now u come on here calling people beasts for saying we should nuke our enemies, and all the while you are voting for your enemies to have the capacity to do the very same thing you condem your own people for suggesting.

Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president

Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is more hardline than his predecessor, told students in Tehran that a new wave of Palestinian attacks would be enough to finish off Israel.

The populist leader's comments, reported by the state-run media, come at a time when Tehran is under pressure over its suspect nuclear weapons ambitions and alleged involvement in attacks on British troops in Iraq.

He said: "Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognises the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world." He was addressing a conference titled The World Without Zionism.
His speech was immediately condemned by the US, Britain, France, Germany and Israel. The Foreign Office could not recall a similar statement from a senior Iranian leader since the former president Hashemi Rafsanjani five years ago called for a Muslim state to annihilate Israel with a nuclear strike. Since then, there has been a mild thaw in relations between Muslim states, including Arab ones, and Israel.

obviously no one take this as an attack I love everyone here just haveing a political debate.:hump:

bongsmilieget baked and debate


New Member
how come muslim people never laugh or smile. I have some cousins in the flip islands that eat monkey brain and practice islam. You would think doing either would make them laugh, but guess not.


New Member
how come muslim people never laugh or smile. I have some cousins in the flip islands that eat monkey brain and practice islam. You would think doing either would make them laugh, but guess not.
I'll bet they'd rather have filet mignon, wanna bet?


Well-Known Member
This is great lol ViRedd is the only one who had enough brains to not get sucked into this. I made the thread to suck the dumbacartes out as them and ultra liberals dont pay attention to the facts just enough to feed thier stupidity and as we can see a good handfull came out took the bait and got themselves all worked up without even see the obvious fact at the end of my first post .This was to prove that liberals and democartes do not care about the facts if its right in front of them they take part of a statement and run with it. It amuses me how easy it is to insite them with nothing more then a statement with a laugh clearly posted on the end.Sams an idiot of all idots he ready for war but wants to talk down to a statement that said ok lets go all out but then he's rational to stop violence is to wish death and harm on someone he doesnt know or even have met.Thats the typical democrate liberal stance jump without facts or investigation. Thanks for the people who played along and showed a point so many dems and liberals deny but were willing to show right here in this thread.Simple folks is such a scarey thing..yeah and umm lets bomb France since they were breaking international treaties and um yeah ireland cuz they drink all the whisky lol idots cant believe it was that easy...Those who actually read the statement stopped turned thier brain on and got it.Thank goodness theres still some intelligence left out there...Now those who got embarrassed come back and post your hate and anger over your stupidity.enjoy
Hmmm why you want to trick people into answering a thread, and then tell them they are stupid for putting in their 2 cents? seems counter-productive.
