let see if you can answer this post


we all buy seeds from seed banks thank for them how do we know we are buying what we ask for because everyone of my grows look diffrent i do them all the same way dont change nothing but they look diffrent give me your out put thanks


Well-Known Member
2 seeds from the same plant grown under the same conditions at the same time can end up looking different. It's genetics. No 2 things are exactly the same (unless it's a clone).


Well-Known Member
2 seeds from the same plant grown under the same conditions at the same time can end up looking different. It's genetics. No 2 things are exactly the same (unless it's a clone).

Its the same deal as your mom and dad having multiple kids. Chances are really good no two of them will be the same and none of them will look exactly like one parent or the other.

Our favorite plant is the same way. Two parents will produce 100's of seeds, and they all will have the same genetics as their parents, but each one of those seeds will be a different phenotype and grow a plant that is all its own.

It is I believe a big reason why bagseed will not necessarily grow dank bud even if the seed came from a bag of dank bud. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yup thats why you buy the seeds and pick a keeper. some seedmakers put more work into their croosses to make them more stabilized so they come out mostly the same. i dont have to much expierience with female seeds but the ones i have grown are mostly similiar i prefer to buy regulars and choose a mother i like. soon youll see feminized seeds going for the same price or less for the best most sought after strains i believe becouse there is always a better chance of finding that one super special plant with regulars that is. the one in a thousand plant you keep for as long as you can. and lesser seed companys just selling femed seeds. thats just my prediction i dont want to argue with anyone. peace.


the white widow i buy looks nothing like the pic they show you my super girl looks more like the white widow i mean do they send you the seeds you ask for or do they send you any female seed how do we know


Well-Known Member
the white widow i buy looks nothing like the pic they show you my super girl looks more like the white widow i mean do they send you the seeds you ask for or do they send you any female seed how do we know
I just ordered seeds and I had them shipped in the original breeders pack. Does that help? You just have to trust them I guess. :confused:


see i dont get mine in breeder packs they come in little zip lock bags from narvana ive been buying them for the last three years that way