Less than stellar bottom foliage.


New Member
Hello all
I'm growing trainwreck in FFOF with a Mars ts600 20 inches above canopy, watering every 4-5 days currently, not adding any nutes yet. I took the cuttings 6/20, plants were potted in cups 6/27, then 3 gallon smart pots 7/7. Using crystal geyser, as pH is 6.9 and ppm around 100.
My question is why the bottom foliage looks nowhere near as healthy as the upper canopy. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU.

What is your feed/water sched? If the lower leaves are not getting direct light on them, they will not develop as quickly and not look ad healthy as the upper foliage.

With a ts600, you'll want to flip them into flower soon. That light is not very strong, and does not cover a very large footprint. You could either flip them to flower now, and they'll stretch to double their height. The tops will have decent buds, and the lower part will jave some fluff. Also, you could top them, and the lower side branches will grow up and develop more, each having a decent bud on top. If you choose to top them, remember the footprint of that light for flower is like 1.5' x 1.5', maybe 2x2 max.

Good luck! Peace:peace:


New Member
Welcome to RIU.

What is your feed/water sched? If the lower leaves are not getting direct light on them, they will not develop as quickly and not look ad healthy as the upper foliage.

With a ts600, you'll want to flip them into flower soon. That light is not very strong, and does not cover a very large footprint. You could either flip them to flower now, and they'll stretch to double their height. The tops will have decent buds, and the lower part will jave some fluff. Also, you could top them, and the lower side branches will grow up and develop more, each having a decent bud on top. If you choose to top them, remember the footprint of that light for flower is like 1.5' x 1.5', maybe 2x2 max.

Good luck! Peace:peace:
Thank you! I haven't begun any nutrients yet because the fox farm is supposed to feed for a month. I have Flora Nova bloom ready to go in about a week when I start flowering them. I'm watering about once every 5 days. Thinking I might pick up another of the same light so I can double up and maybe hit them diagonally from both sides