Length of time before harvest?


Active Member
So here's a few questions I feel more experienced growers think is common knowledge, but n00bs like me can't find a straight answer.

When does flowering actually begin?
I consider flowering to begin the same day I go from 18/6 to 12/12. Is that the case? Some information I have seen talks about a transition period of some length of time before the flowering phase. This seems to make sense but is far from "common knowledge". So if there is a transition period, when does that end and flowering begin? 2 weeks? First sign of sex?

The main reason I ask has to do with the estimated time for flower to harvest. Most people say things like 8 to 10 weeks with given strains. I know that's only an estimate for the harvest window, but when does that start from? In my limited experience over the last 8 months, it seems like if the flowering phase begins at the light switch, the estimation is rather short compared to when I see the trichomes starting to change color.

Here is another question. What is the average length of time between when the white hairs start turning color to when the trichs start turning color? How long does that whole process take?

My current flowering grow is about 8 to 9 weeks since the lighting change, but only the hairs are starting to change and the trichs are still going from clear to mostly white. No end in sight... How much more patient do I need to be, dammit?

Uncle Fester

Active Member
There's several steps that the plant goes through when switching to 12/12. First, is the sign of sex, this can take ~7-20 days from switching to 12/12. But these are just pre-flowers, not buds or smokeable material by any means. Next the pre-flowers undergo a transition into forming what people consider a "bud". This can take weeks. After that its all about maturation. Which is covered widely on here. (Aka identifing trichome color for harvest, or pistil color and size) Several methods can be used. Hope this helps

Illegal Smile

8-10 weeks means from 12/12. The hairs changing colors is not a reliable indicator, the trichs are. Sounds like you have a week or two left. Patience is a virtue. The ganja gods expect it of you.


Well-Known Member
Flowering begins the day you switch to 12x12. It does not start when the first sign of flowers appear.

The other questions are strain related.


Active Member
8-10 weeks means from 12/12. The hairs changing colors is not a reliable indicator, the trichs are. Sounds like you have a week or two left. Patience is a virtue. The ganja gods expect it of you.
Yeah, that's what I assumed. Looks like whatever it is about my methods and bagseeds are leans more toward the 10 weeks side of things. Which sucks because I'm going to have to make a decision to harvest either before I leave town for a couple weeks or after. My sister-in-law can be trusted to perform basic watering or drying for me, but harvesting is a different story. I prefer that uppy, engergetic high rather than couchlock, so I'm leaning towards right before... but my last harvest I learned the lesson of patience, because I harvested too early and ALL I got was a trippy head buzz. Don't get me wrong, it was great, but it gave me more paranoia than relaxation.
Well, guess I'll bongsmilie and watch the grass grow!

Thanks for the advice.

Brick Top

New Member
There's several steps that the plant goes through when switching to 12/12. First, is the sign of sex, this can take ~7-20 days from switching to 12/12. But these are just pre-flowers, not buds or smokeable material by any means.

The first part was accurate enough but should include that if someone has the needed height and lighting to make use of it they can and will and do veg long enough that their plants will have pre-flowers while still growing in a vegetative growth light cycle.
So it comes down to if you do not veg long enough to see pre-flowers what was said be correct enough ... but if they already had pre-flowers in veg then they could more or less skip that step since the plants already took it.

Uncle Fester

Active Member
Agreed Brick Top,

For instance my outdoor plant this year has 'some' sativa genetics (not saying this is an indicator) within her and she had pre-flowers (~14.5 hours light/day) while the vegetative stage continued.


Well-Known Member
8-10 weeks means from 12/12. The hairs changing colors is not a reliable indicator, the trichs are. Sounds like you have a week or two left. Patience is a virtue. The ganja gods expect it of you.
hairs changing color and receding into the bud, is the best way to guarantee great bud

terpines have nothing to do with trichomes ... your plant is done when its done ...

let them buds turn amber ... you will know


Active Member
Well, if anyone is interested, I just observed the first amber trichomes today. I only found 2 or 3 individuals on one of the buds, but at least I know I'm getting closer. Maybe if I wish really hard, they will be 1/2 amber by next Friday...