Length from a 400hps to 3 week old babies??????


Active Member
Hey i have a 400hps and i have 3 week old plants and i want to know how far away should i have the light away from my plants?? any advice nebody???:cry:


Well-Known Member
i have mine 5 cm's above it :O

hahah ^^ guess u can have them 1 ft above... ^^ 2ft sounds a little to far... but its good ....


Active Member
You want it as close as possible to minimize stretching but not so close that it is too hot for the plant. A lot depends on your ventilation ... if you can get a fan blowing over the top of the plant (between the plant and the light) you'll be able to get it closer. At three weeks old - and with good ventilation - you should be able to safely move it to about 18 inches away. I'd have mine 1 foot away if that were my setup but again, you can't do that unless you have adequate ventilation. Bottom line: It's the heat you're worried about, not light intensity. As long as you take care of the heat, go as close as a foot. (Don't overdo it ... if you try to get closer than your ventilation will allow you will pay for it.)


Well-Known Member
105% waay to hot. Put the back of your hand under the light, lower your hand till it feels comfortable. Thats the height you want. Usuallly around 18".


Active Member
105 degrees?!! If I'm understanding this right, that that is what your room is at, you've got to get that temp down and fast. It will damage your plant(s) and will even kill them before you know it. Forget about how close to the light ... get that temperature down now.


Active Member
Hey i have a 400hps and i have 3 week old plants and i want to know how far away should i have the light away from my plants?? any advice nebody???:cry:
Good afternoon (or evening or morning). My HPS emits a red spectrum, best used for budding. Halide is a blue spectrum, best used for veg. Since I have found this out, I am using my 1000 watt halide for veg growth. When I go to 12-12, I am now putting my little ladies under two 400 HPS. The difference already, from my last crop, is incredible!!! When I got my first 400 HPS, I tried to put babies under it and it was too much for my plants; they practically melt, no matter how far away from the lights I put them. Under my halide (1000 W), when my plants are babies, I keep the light approximately 2 1/2-3 feet under the light when I have them under 18-6. I start my babies under a 4' flourescent (double bulb 75 watt) for 24 hours a day, also about three feet under the bulb. I have found that the 400 HPS is too harsh for my little girls. I have noticed if I increase the distance, the plants get too leggy and I have to start pinching before the plants are strong enough to deal with it. With the system I am using now, I am geting at least 80% recovery on my clones. Take care and take care of your little girls. I refuse to grow anything from seed. The chances for male contamination is too great. Last summer, I put some out in the yard, but I don't have enough control over the growth cycle. The plants I put outside for the summer took MUCH longer to come full cycle, probably, if I remember correctly, about an extra 5-6 weeks. I live in Alaska, right in the middle of the Matanuska Valley, home of Matanuska Thunderfuck. Right now, I am in 24 hour daylight, at least for another couple of weeks. I start my clones in peat pots that I plant right into the larger containers. Otherwise, I have a hard time with the plants drying out too quickly before they get a chance to throw down a good root system. Today is Summer Soltice; I lost 8 seconds of daylight from yesterday. I realize it doesn't seem like much, but when it comes to my little ladies, eight seconds count!!! Contrary to popular belief in the lower 48, most of us up here grow inside, under lights. Two of my plants are true Matanuska Thunderfuck starts. These plants have been passed down through generations for almost ten years, kind of like sourdough starter. There has been no apparent loss of quality, even though they come from such old stock. I guess they would be considered heirloom hybrids. Since I am a legal medical marijuana user/grower, I am only allowed (ha-ha) six plants, with only three in bud. I am also allowed to have a legal "caregiver;" she can also grow six plants for me. As my caregiver, she is even allowed to roll my joints for me and transport weed in her vehicle. I don't know about anyplace else, but here in Alaska, I am required to carry my medical marijuana registry card around with me, just like a driver's license. In the state of Alaska, legally, I am allowed, as a medical user, to grow it and smoke it, but it is illegal for me to sell it or buy it. I realize that sounds ridiculous, but at least I am legal. Also, in the state of Alaska, I can have 24 plants and it is only a misdemeanor. I, actually, don't worry about it too much. Even though the pot cops are flying over my neighborhood everyday, in their fancy black DEA helicopters, I am not concerned. Theives are a much greater problem. My lights do not leave enough of a "footprint;" so, they can't even recognize my little grow. However, in the last couple of weeks, they have nailed three houses within a half a mile of me, but everybody had three hundred plus plants, requiring LOTS of light. I am also pretty sure that I am the only one in my neck of the woods to be legal for medical mj. Since the feds have gotten stricter, there is now probably only about 150 people i the state that are legal.I just keep to myself. Sometimes, though, I get so proud and excited about how beautiful my girls are, I really want to show them off. In the past though, I have had to suffer severe consequences from thieves. Two crops ago, I got ripped off about 3-4 weeks before harvest. Only three people knew about my plants, two of the people don't smoke, don't grow; one was my husband, the second one was an 80 year old guy...The third person lost her own crop, when their furnace went out, just a couple of weeks before she was ready to crop, but somehow she was able to crop about 5-6 weeks later. Needless to say, she is no longer welcome. Have you ever noticed that the people that talk the loudest about how righteous, honest and karmically correct they are, are usually the ones that are going to nail you to the wall. F--- it. I will survive, so will my plants! When this batch gets close, I will be here (or somebody will) at my house. I have a real nice 9mm; nothing like the feel of that cold blue steel! Like my mom used to say (when she was alive), if you are going to shoot them in the yard, drag them into the house before the police are called. Since I am legal for med mj, I am not worried about the bust, but I also am not ready to go to prison for some asshole stealing my plants. When I moved to my house I am in now, I made it a point to just evaporate, leaving most of my "friends" not knowing where I was moving to. I feel much more secure. I also have three LARGE doggies that have no problem barking when someone comes the 1/4 mile up my driveway to the trailer. My biggest dog, a Newfie/Lab is 170 pounds, my two "smaller" dogs are 80-85 pounds apiece. Hopefully, most people won't try and tangle with the dogs. Even though the "boys" are totally mellow, I am not responsible for how they would react if someone were to threaten me. I would have no problem inflicting major pain on anybody that even thought about hurting one of my dogs. I am sure the dogs feel the same way about me!!! A couple of months ago, my husband (actually, my ex, but we live together) was playing around and tried to grab my neck. Even though my doggies love him, they all were growling and my 170 pound dog (the mighty Mogi, the Miracle Dog) lunged at Patrick and bit him in the ass. Believe me, he meant business. Not to digress, but he is such an awesome dog. He is my service dog. He wears a backpack and carries my books at college. He goes everywhere with me; grocery store, gas station, liquor store, drugstore, the bank, even the dentist. He makes wonderful friends whereever he goes. He is miles more patient and understanding than I am. As I get older,the shorter my fuse is concerning idiots and assholes. He is so stoic, so proud and an absolute gentleman. He is much more well behaved than I am! I have come to realize that I need to behave, just so I don't embarrass him. He is a true ambassador and does more to calm me down than taking a Valium. When he is with me, I realize that I must behave in a manner he is proud of. In the two plus years since he has had his service dog paperwork, I am sure I have embarrassed him way more than the other way around.
I am 55 years old and never even knew how to use a computer until I went back to college in 2003-4. When I graduated from college the first time (1977) (University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Bachelor's Degree in Science, the world of computers were a totally different deal. When I first came to Alaska (1976), computers were just being integrated into our electronic navigational systems. Boy, how things have changed. I am just learning how to find my way around chat rooms, forums, games, etc.
Anyway, I am done babbling for now. I do really enjoy this new method of communicating with people. As much as I love my dogs, I am unable to carry on the same sort of conversation that I can with another person of the same genus/species. I very rarely go anywhere, so it is wonderful to be able to reach out and touch someone...I also really like the anonominity(sp?). I get paranoid about letting anybody knowing what I am up to if they live near me, even though I am legal, ripoffs don't give a shit!! Take care, God bless you and your plants. Happy(?) Solstice... Always, Bearsbuds
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Well-Known Member
Good afternoon (or evening or morning). My HPS emits a red spectrum, best used for budding. Halide is a blue spectrum, best used for veg. Since I have found this out, I am using my 1000 watt halide for veg growth. When I go to 12-12, I am now putting my little ladies under two 400 HPS. The difference already, from my last crop, is incredible!!! When I got my first 400 HPS, I tried to put babies under it and it was too much for my plants; they practically melt, no matter how far away from the lights I put them. Under my halide (1000 W), when my plants are babies, I keep the light approximately 2 1/2-3 feet under the light when I have them under 18-6. I start my babies under a 4' flourescent (double bulb 75 watt) for 24 hours a day, also about three feet under the bulb. I have found that the 400 HPS is too harsh for my little girls. I have noticed if I increase the distance, the plants get too leggy and I have to start pinching before the plants are strong enough to deal with it. With the system I am using now, I am geting at least 80% recovery on my clones. Take care and take care of your little girls. I refuse to grow anything from seed. The chances for male contamination is too great. Last summer, I put some out in the yard, but I don't have enough control over the growth cycle. The plants I put outside for the summer took MUCH longer to come full cycle, probably, if I remember correctly, about an extra 5-6 weeks. I live in Alaska, right in the middle of the Matanuska Valley, home of Matanuska Thunderfuck. Right now, I am in 24 hour daylight, at least for another couple of weeks. I start my clones in peat pots that I plant right into the larger containers. Otherwise, I have a hard time with the plants drying out too quickly before they get a chance to throw down a good root system. Today is Summer Soltice; I lost 8 seconds of daylight from yesterday. I realize it doesn't seem like much, but when it comes to my little ladies, eight seconds count!!! Contrary to popular belief in the lower 48, most of us up here grow inside, under lights. Two of my plants are true Matanuska Thunderfuck starts. These plants have been passed down through generations for almost ten years, kind of like sourdough starter. There has been no apparent loss of quality, even though they come from such old stock. I guess they would be considered heirloom hybrids. Since I am a legal medical marijuana user/grower, I am only allowed (ha-ha) six plants, with only three in bud. I am also allowed to have a legal "caregiver;" she can also grow six plants for me. As my caregiver, she is even allowed to roll my joints for me and transport weed in her vehicle. I don't know about anyplace else, but here in Alaska, I am required to carry my medical marijuana registry card around with me, just like a driver's license. In the state of Alaska, legally, I am allowed, as a medical user, to grow it and smoke it, but it is illegal for me to sell it or buy it. I realize that sounds ridiculous, but at least I am legal. Also, in the state of Alaska, I can have 24 plants and it is only a misdemeanor. I, actually, don't worry about it too much. Even though the pot cops are flying over my neighborhood everyday, in their fancy black DEA helicopters, I am not concerned. Theives are a much greater problem. My lights do not leave enough of a "footprint;" so, they can't even recognize my little grow. However, in the last couple of weeks, they have nailed three houses within a half a mile of me, but everybody had three hundred plus plants, requiring LOTS of light. I am also pretty sure that I am the only one in my neck of the woods to be legal for medical mj. Since the feds have gotten stricter, there is now probably only about 150 people i the state that are legal.I just keep to myself. Sometimes, though, I get so proud and excited about how beautiful my girls are, I really want to show them off. In the past though, I have had to suffer severe consequences from thieves. Two crops ago, I got ripped off about 3-4 weeks before harvest. Only three people knew about my plants, two of the people don't smoke, don't grow; one was my husband, the second one was an 80 year old guy...The third person lost her own crop, when their furnace went out, just a couple of weeks before she was ready to crop, but somehow she was able to crop about 5-6 weeks later. Needless to say, she is no longer welcome. Have you ever noticed that the people that talk the loudest about how righteous, honest and karmically correct they are, are usually the ones that are going to nail you to the wall. F--- it. I will survive, so will my plants! When this batch gets close, I will be here (or somebody will) at my house. I have a real nice 9mm; nothing like the feel of that cold blue steel! Like my mom used to say (when she was alive), if you are going to shoot them in the yard, drag them into the house before the police are called. Since I am legal for med mj, I am not worried about the bust, but I also am not ready to go to prison for some asshole stealing my plants. When I moved to my house I am in now, I made it a point to just evaporate, leaving most of my "friends" not knowing where I was moving to. I feel much more secure. I also have three LARGE doggies that have no problem barking when someone comes the 1/4 mile up my driveway to the trailer. My biggest dog, a Newfie/Lab is 170 pounds, my two "smaller" dogs are 80-85 pounds apiece. Hopefully, most people won't try and tangle with the dogs. Even though the "boys" are totally mellow, I am not responsible for how they would react if someone were to threaten me. I would have no problem inflicting major pain on anybody that even thought about hurting one of my dogs. I am sure the dogs feel the same way about me!!! A couple of months ago, my husband (actually, my ex, but we live together) was playing around and tried to grab my neck. Even though my doggies love him, they all were growling and my 170 pound dog (the mighty Mogi, the Miracle Dog) lunged at Patrick and bit him in the ass. Believe me, he meant business. Not to digress, but he is such an awesome dog. He is my service dog. He wears a backpack and carries my books at college. He goes everywhere with me; grocery store, gas station, liquor store, drugstore, the bank, even the dentist. He makes wonderful friends whereever he goes. He is miles more patient and understanding than I am. As I get older,the shorter my fuse is concerning idiots and assholes. He is so stoic, so proud and an absolute gentleman. He is much more well behaved than I am! I have come to realize that I need to behave, just so I don't embarrass him. He is a true ambassador and does more to calm me down than taking a Valium. When he is with me, I realize that I must behave in a manner he is proud of. In the two plus years since he has had his service dog paperwork, I am sure I have embarrassed him way more than the other way around.
I am 55 years old and never even knew how to use a computer until I went back to college in 2003-4. When I graduated from college the first time (1977) (University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Bachelor's Degree in Science, the world of computers were a totally different deal. When I first came to Alaska (1976), computers were just being integrated into our electronic navigational systems. Boy, how things have changed. I am just learning how to find my way around chat rooms, forums, games, etc.
Anyway, I am done babbling for now. I do really enjoy this new method of communicating with people. As much as I love my dogs, I am unable to carry on the same sort of conversation that I can with another person of the same genus/species. I very rarely go anywhere, so it is wonderful to be able to reach out and touch someone...
