
goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
I decided to try out sea of seeds because rollitup said so haha
Well I got some free Lemoneese regs and can't find any info can't even find the breeder
I asked on the seed collectors thread but they act like bitches n skip over my post like I didnt say shit on some ol high school girl shit like they wanna keep breeders and seed sites secret or some shit Bc I don't have a thousand posts
I'm jealous of the dank everyone grows but you KNOW some of these growers are skrate nerds!
Anyways maybe I'm wrong my bad but does anyone know who makes Lemoneese?


New Member
its lemon something x cheese

grow it homie. sounds like fun. free fun.


seed collector thread for life , bitch ;-)


goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
Free is always good huh
Booyaka homie,yep its official those "seed collectors" are douchers for sure
It did make me lol but I blame it on the date
I'm just playin gudkarma is the man Mos def
Think Lemoneese is a mystery and I'll just try it out Maybe hit uP SOS and see who made it

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
It's Lemon SkunkxCheese, so it's actually a Skunk #1 BX of sorts.
I received 4 of them with my order from SoS, can't wait to check them out.
Good luck.

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
Most the freebies from the tudE are shit this time the SOS ones aren't too bad and I have a lot from singleseedcentre too
Now I'm real curious who the breeder is now since nobody knows
But it sounds interesting for sure Bc this is my first time Ordering any reg seeds and When I do get to them I wanna try some crosses so I don't have to keep getting packages from overseas every two weeks!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha okay since your response was cool ill respond seriously. If you go back to the skeed collectors thread around page 1650 I think it was some random dude chimes in and says who the breeder was.

Also if you hit up SOS they should be able to tell ya. Email them they have been great about emailing me back. But it is the weekend so you get a response till Sunday morning US time.

MAKE SURE YOU POST IT HERE WHEN YOU FIND IT. sorry about caps lock I'm on my phone.


Well-Known Member
Dude I can't find that post but I swear I thought it was were I stated. But obviously I must be wrong and read it somewhere else.

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
I found the post u were talkin about saying it i had actually came across it before you mentioned it when I was lookin it up. Buuut who knOws because sea of seeds doesn't even know this is what they rePlied

Hi there, thank you for your order. The lemonesse is from an unknown breeder but we know it is a lemon - cheese cross. You will receive a message once your order has been dispatched

So just some random breeder? And somethIng lemon something cheese i bet they are some good ones but I'll def grow it out n do a journal or document it somehow


Active Member
I smoked some of this and it was unbelievable. I have been trying to get ahold of some seeds of it for ages but no luck. Was fantastics smoke better than Blue or normal Cheese even providing you enjoy lemony flavour lol Just as good as a Lemon Haze but instead of the Haze overtone its for of a cheesey one. Fantastic.