Lemon ???

First timer here. Started an indoor crop mostly from bag seed, poor bagseed at that. I figured it was better to start with cheap seeds than expensive ones. All but two plants , which came from a bag of Lemon something or other, are from swag or merc. bags.

IMAG0284.jpgLemon #1 IMAG0283.jpg Lemon #2

The two smaller plants in the middle of the pics are the Lemons. Will call the first pic #1 and the second #2. Both were germinated together and planted on 6-26-12. Pics taken 7-8-12 At this stage in their development I had a serious fungus gnat infestation. I'm pretty sure that the smaller one, lemon #2 growth was stunted by the gnats.:evil: Many other plants were effected by the pest but their safety wasn't a priority.


Before the hitting the flower room one of the merc. bag seed plants turned hermy and got their man pollen all over plants in the flower room. It was immediatly killed but not before the damage was done. Leaving me with a whole room of flowering plants now in seed production mode. That's what I get for trying to mess with poor genetics:confused:. Fortunately for me my Lemons wern't in the flowering room. The two Lemons were vegging until 7-22-12, Almost a month before going into flowering.


I noticed almost immediatly the difference between the Lemons and the Merc. plants. The bud was more full and the hairs are much thicker. And it produces a Lemon smell that is unmistakable. I am almost 100% sure that they were not polluted with pollen :) . Lemon #1 has Always looked like its older and more advanced than Lemon #2, despite the fact their are exactly the same age.

IMAG0574.jpg LEMON #1 9 -12-12

Lemon #2 is a taller plant but the buds are smaller and less dense. The Lemon #1 is a small plant but is way more dense.

IMAG0552.jpgIMAG0551.jpg Lemon# 2 9- 12-12

The plants will reach 8 weeks 9-16-12. Being as this is my first grow I have a couple of questions.

First off does anybody recongise which strain of Lemon this is? I am asking because I am trying to verify what I am working with. I'm trying to make sure that it will finish flowering in 8 weeks and not 12 weeks.

And second does Lemon #1 trics look close to being finished? After inspecting them I found clear, milky, amber, and blue colors on the pics i took today. Maybe the blue is due to the light reflection but I want to know when I should harvest the plant.

I have read many articles here on Rollitup on when to harvest and what to look for when ready to harvest. The advice of an expert can help me out a great deal. :joint:


Active Member
Nice pics. Nuggage is stank lookin too! I would say what effects do you favor. That would depend on when to pull. Im a middle guy myself. So I pull around 30% Ambers. But again I guess there is quite a few factors, such as, the plants genetics. If unknown Try to harvest a nug @ 30% and if its what ur lookin for. Good Luck on some dankness though. Im learnin here on RIU also.
Nice pics. Nuggage is stank lookin too! I would say what effects do you favor. That would depend on when to pull. Im a middle guy myself. So I pull around 30% Ambers. But again I guess there is quite a few factors, such as, the plants genetics. If unknown Try to harvest a nug @ 30% and if its what ur lookin for. Good Luck on some dankness though. Im learnin here on RIU also.
I'm pretty sure that it's close to being done. I've already "Sampled" a smaller nug about a week ago ,and it Got the job done for sure.


I just wanted a different view point on when to harvest.