Lemon skunk problem ?


Active Member
The bottom leaves are yellowing and starting to curl ?
also some very small yellowish spots are forming on the leaves. the temp is 91F and humidity wis around 65% what could the problem be ? i will try to get some pics up asap but does anyone have any ideas?


temp is too high they cannot uptake water. you should try to keep them at 75, 80+ slows/stops growth. and dont let your humidity get any higher, 70 + in humidity will slow or stop growth as well


Active Member
I grew lemon skunk in a greenhouse - had the same problem. Turned out to be powdery mildew. I harvested earlier than I wanted. They were not really done yet.


Active Member
i have also noticed the tips are burnt on the lower fan leaves. i have got a picture but the quality is rather poor...

I have raised the light to about 2 foot above the plant i have also added more vetalation and turned the oscilating fan up to a higher speed. i turned my extractor fan on as i did not have it running previously.

do you think this will make a difference ?


Active Member
i have raised the light so it is about 2 foot above the tallest plant. and i have added more ventilation in to the tent and have turned my extraction fan on that was not previously running. i have also turned my desk fan inside the tent up to the highest speed.

is there anything else i can do to bring temp and humidity down ?