Legalizing Hemp

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There is a great wiki on hemp

Its used for food, nutrition, medicine, hempcrete, plastic, paper, jewelry, fabric, rope, water and soil purification, weed control [lol], and bio-diesel.

It must contain lees than .3% THC to be considered hemp.
It doesn't have many cons, other than it is a tall weed.

It can grow in almost all temperate habitats worldwide.

From what I could to gather, the main reason hemp is illegal is because the politicians can not distinguish hemp from marijuana. Hemp is categorized into Cannabis Sativa along with marijuana.

If they legalize Cannabis Sativa for hemp, they then end up legalizing Canabis Sativa for marijuana, which they currently cannot do.
Currently, there are 3 classes of cannabis. Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis.
Because hemp sativa is different from marijuana sativa
-Marijuana has 3%+ THC, while hemp has less than 0.3% THC.
-Hemp grows much taller and stronger, and has smaller buds
It should be categorised into a species of its own. This will give the government the ability to distinguish it from Cannabis Sativa.
To get hemp categorized into a species of its own, scientists must carefully observe and document its specific characteristics, how it differs from its current species of Cannabis Sativa, and why it should have a species of its own.

Then, the scientists release a paper to a scientific journal to get peer review of their proposal. If they succeed, the International Association for Plant Taxonomy looks over their work, and adds their species [I’m not sure about this last part, but it was what I could gather].
There are currently dozens of countries that have legal hemp, so there should be more than enough current information and scientific evidence to differentiate hemp from marijuana, with plenty of scientists.

There are plenty of sites and organizations to help get these scientists organized, such as NORML and bunch of hemp communities.

We will need to write is a intelligent paper and submit it to all of the organizations to get this done, which need more information and support.

So if you all can do some searching and find some links and facts, it would help a lot.

What I also need from you all is suggestions on this.
What is wrong with this, what could be better, what needs more explanation?