Legalize Marijuana Poll

Herbal Healing 420

Active Member
Its been a while since i posted on here, years probably. Not much as changed as far as cannabis and myself, and i hope all is good for everyone else.

This post is sort of a call for help on my local newspapers website, there is a Poll asking if marijuana should be legal. Much to my surprise its much closer than i anticipated, with many ignorant comments apposing marijuana in all forms. So im here to ask a favor of this Marijuana Army, Please take 5 minutes sign up for an account and vote on the poll please, maybe even leave a short comment.

The site is, on the front page you will see the poll.

I know its not looked upon all that highly to come onto a forum and ask for help but the ignorance on that website is starting to dumb me down:wall: lol.

Again sorry, for my first post back is one like this but i will start to contribute to this site more often as of now.

Also got some dank "pineapple express" or at least thats what it was labeled lol, il do a review on it later maybe.

Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
well I voted. reading some of those comments. wow, It never fails to amaze me how clueless some are.

the gateway claim- guess what, IMO the only reason you can claim it is a gateway drug is because I cant grow it myself legally. That means I must go to a drug dealer (or grow myself). Those same dealers almost always have other types of drugs also (which I have NO interest in) mushrooms/ritailin/Ecstasy/adirol/colonopin (sorry cant spell) you name it, and almost all are PRESCRIPTION drugs (the legal drug dealing corporations) and of course there gonna ask you if you want some of that shit to. some people will try them. let us grow our own and we wouldn't have so much exposure to other types of drugs.

-some idiot mentions "oh great we are gonna have people driving around high now." , get a clue, those people who are gonna drive high are doing it NOW anyways, just like the drunk drivers.
-another "do you want a brain surgeon who is high working on you?" , well hell no, he would lose his job if he was at work high, and he SHOULD lose his job. but if he had smoked last night and was sober while at work, cut away... i'll bet that commenter wouldn't ask the same doc if he had a beer last night.

these laws are so damn stupid its frustrating.
legal to grow in some states, but no no no cant buy legal seeds.
state im from allows medical patients to grow 2 mature plants and have UP to ounce. but if your a good gardener and have a good yield, as soon as you harvest your basically a criminal.
some states you can not grow a plant even if you don't wanna smoke it, but making beer in your basement is fine.

frustrates me when I go into someones house and conversation turns to legalizing pot, and when they are against it. 9 out of 10 times they have a few liquor bottles around.

had conversation with sister once, asking if she is for or against legalizing it, she says "hell no, if it was legalized everyone would start doing it."
so I ask her "so you would start smoking?".
her answer "hell no"
my fucking brain melted right there. (same person who drove home drunk 3 out of 4 nights a week from work after drinking with co-workers, she worked construction so her commute was over 50 miles usually)

ok rant over, I think.