Legalize and TAX- The Truth

i suggest u all read this article which i found on Jack Herer's website.

Very interesting, and very disturbing!

vote HELL NO on the new Tax and Regulate Cannabis Enitiative and vote YES on Barney Frank's HR 2835

We gotta get Barney Frank's HR 2835 back in the spotlight and get out and vote yes for True Legalization. If u love weed and are fed up with the bullshit and pursecution surrounding it, pay attention and fight to get Barney Frank's HR 2835 put to action!!

peace, love and:leaf:

edit: this has to do with the current bill for legalization and Taxation in California which will be voted on in November

Now I would like to turn your attention to "AN ACT TO AMEND THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE OF CALIFORNIA:"

This was Jack Herer's Life long persute, and in honor of his passing I thought it fitting to mention and add it here.

Click this link:

this link will bring you directly to jack's homepage, then scroll down and you will find the document.