legal rights question


Active Member
So someone is blackmailing me because they know about my pot hobby. They said they are going to call and tip the police. Will and do the police have a right to search my house?


Well-Known Member
:spew: if that dude makes a full blown statement against you then yes a judge will probably issue a warrant........sounds like the only thing you can do is CLEAN UP and/or kiss-ass <<<<do this to the person who is "blackmailing" you and get them to like you ............or move your hobby immediately ! in most cases a simple "tip" will not get the judge to sign no warrent BUT its puts your name in the system as a "possible troublemaker" <<<i guess thats the word i should use ? but the law hates us , so they will just come up with some bullshit reason to knock on your door and HOPE it stinks in there when you open it , so that way they can go in without a warrant . BE CAREFUL
much love and good luck!!!


Active Member
well then they may as well take me away cuz i love my stuff more than anything. This is a good reason why you should be careful who you tell things too.


Well-Known Member
I know a guy named Guido that can take care of your problem. (just kidding) I would shut it down - at least for awhile - not worth the risk. You might want to pick nicer friends.


Well-Known Member
dude dont go to jail for no reason !? but hey thats you .................your hard! and good luck!


Well-Known Member
this is a real interesting question, and i am not a lawyer
but would they automatically grant a warrant on one snitch's word?
also depending where you are in the country, and the size of your grow, i would think would make a big difference
i think that in many places a small grow is going to be a real low priority


Well-Known Member
this is a real interesting question, and i am not a lawyer
but would they automatically grant a warrant on one snitch's word?
also depending where you are in the country, and the size of your grow, i would think would make a big difference
i think that in many places a small grow is going to be a real low priority

no they wont "automatically" grant the warrent , but they can , as long as the "snitch" is willing to tell details. They might not if just one persons "tips" um , but still be carefull all!!!


Well-Known Member
i guess the moral of the story is, tell no one, tell no one, tell no ONE!
but i'm thinking the number of 'rats' that want to get back at somebody with a grow of few plants must be pretty common
there have to be a LOT of reports filed every year. i'm sure in some jurisdictions they do not have time/inclination/money to prosecute some piddling personal grow.
mostly i'm wondering what's the 2nd thing that is watched. do they get the utility bill as the next step?


Well-Known Member
i guess the moral of the story is, tell no one, tell no one, tell no ONE!
but i'm thinking the number of 'rats' that want to get back at somebody with a grow of few plants must be pretty common
there have to be a LOT of reports filed every year. i'm sure in some jurisdictions they do not have time/inclination/money to prosecute some piddling personal grow.
mostly i'm wondering what's the 2nd thing that is watched. do they get the utility bill as the next step?
no they ussally dont fuck with the utility's , that is more of a myth than anything , it happens just not too often. The po-lice can "figure" out a way to knock on your door............and thats all it takes.


Active Member
well people call the copes down here too and blackmail people but the copes are not going to jump up and do any thing as long as you keep your nose clean,i mould not make very much thought of it.

snitches get stitches