legal alternatives?


Active Member
well today i got the worst message a stoner could get .... need to stay clean the next 6 months :(

so im searching for something with a similiar effect to weed and it should be legal :)

i checked out and they look good but they dont say anything bout the high .. testimonials are all good but why should they put the bad ones on their site :)


Well-Known Member
no no nononononononoononnono! need i say more?

i guess so:

they taste like shit.
harsh on your throat.
worst than cannabis is for you.
and they do nothing, the old spice gold and stuff would have a little effect but now its all banned the new stuff is terrible just wait and grow some killer dro while you wait..


Active Member
well did u guys try it or do u just THINK it doesnt work?

and i dont need to grow anymore weed i got a lb that will be waiting for me lol


Well-Known Member
well did u guys try it or do u just THINK it doesnt work?

and i dont need to grow anymore weed i got a lb that will be waiting for me lol
Try the Spice Gold ebay has that shit. Never tried but i heard its the only true alternative. It contains synthetic cannabinoids which is the reason for its illegality in the US and some European countries. Costs just as much as bud for me.