Left 1 male in the flower room. Seeds any good to Use???


Well-Known Member
Hi, I somehow let a male get into my flowering room and I seeded a whole crop of plants. The plants are all Bubba Kush X Deep Chunk from Cannacopia. I am not a breeder but I loved this strain. Would these seeds be ok to start another run from seed or should I search through them to see if I can find a pheno that I like and clone it? I'm not even shure if these are like an F2? I just want to see if it would work so I dont have to buy a bunch of seeds again. Help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Beans should be good to grow... some may have hard ass shells depending but either way. I would run some of the beans and see what developed personally. Always good to have your own custom strain lol.


Well-Known Member
I just popped 3 of them. Cant wait to see how they turn out. I am going to grow 2 inside and see how the other one does outside.


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that is an F1 cross. You might find a real diamond in the rough.
"Bubba Chunk", sound like it has potential... Sorry your whole crop got seeded man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I cant believe it got seeded either. The up side is that it only seeded the bottom half of the plants. I got almost no seeds out of the top colas. I think that the male was very close to one of my fans and the pollen got shot strait at the bottom branches


Well-Known Member
ya that sucks alot.. but on the upside.. u got a bunch of crosses.. hows the male look? good? if it does.. maybe quarentine it.. or clone it just incase.. if its a super stud.. and the offspring show great traits in the females.. it would be worth using again on the offspring.. and.. its fun to hobby pollen chuck.


Well-Known Member
The male was short and squat compared to the rest of the bunch. I think that's why I didn't see it among the rest of the plants. It was very stinky and it looked great. I just popped 3 seeds and they all came up and I cant wait to see how they turn out.


Well-Known Member
Ooh nice can you poat pics of the parents abd the little seedlings as they grow?
Bubba x deep chunk sounds like it could ve a good cross.
F1 x f1 gives you f2 seeds youll probably see the genes segregate (not fully)
And lean to either the chunk or bubba parent. I would just clone
A good f2 mom (granted you find one) and use that because stabilizing
An f2 cross is going to be some work.


Well-Known Member
I am watching the seedlings grow and all 3 are very different. One it getting tall and lanky. One is short and squat like the daddy was and one had a problem dropping its shell and the leaves got a little bit brown but I think I can keep it alive. I will post some pics when I get my new phone in a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
this could potentially be a great thing for u . honestly.. if there fast flowering.. good plants.. you could pop them outside also..


Well-Known Member
Fast flowering is not much of an issue for me outside. where I live I need outdoor plants that can fight off pests mold and fungus


Well-Known Member
I'm down to trade bean for bean. Don't forget to cure the seeds for 3 weeks before germing or you'll have low success rate. Good luck.