Led will eliminate both sided lighting of hps

Kids, kids, kids...

Vertical or flatlander style, it's all about PAR Watts per square foot and that doesn't change.

Therefore, you generally need 60-65% of the Watts for vertical LED as you do using HID lights.

@m4s73r above was right that round vertical only makes sense for HID, because those lamps are omnidirectional. Since LED lights are directional, flat walls are much better. They fit in square rooms better and are much more accessible for working on plants, too.

Something a vertical setup can do that a flatlander approach can't is grow on both sides of a vertical panel. This means you've got double the canopy space! Yes, you'll need double the light. You're still way further ahead of the game with LED than HID.

The only kind of vertical I haven't done is stacked trays and they're only good if you're running a zillion babies Sea of Green style. Or lettuce.

Hope that clears things up a bit.
use each side of a bulb(no reflector) was a large part of verts efficiency
Does not help that much....
The reflectors like AAW have a special 98% reflective high durable coating....

The efficiency is only 1.7µmol per Watts.

You profit from HPS if you need the excess heat of it to infrared heat your growing space efficiently. If your climate without any additional heating cost is good, LEDs are far more efficient, no matter if vertical or not, because the reflectors dont reduce the efficiency of the bulbs significantly. Using them without a reflector maybe it's a gain of 3%.... so the HPS in vertical grow might improve from 1.7 to 1,75, thats negligle to what an improvement LED can offer.

Modern LED-modules (LM301H) with Redboost 660nm.... can easily reach 3.5 µmol per Watts (PPE). Thats DOUBLE the efficiency to get the same PAR light. Commercial LED lamps beat at least 2,7 PPE

So like I said, when your ambient/LST is already in good range... a good LED-system are always best and more efficient than any bulb can be! You have more flexibility arrangin LEDs for vert.
Does not help that much....
The reflectors like AAW have a special 98% reflective high durable coating....

The efficiency is only 1.7µmol per Watts.

You profit from HPS if you need the excess heat of it to infrared heat your growing space efficiently. If your climate without any additional heating cost is good, LEDs are far more efficient, no matter if vertical or not, because the reflectors dont reduce the efficiency of the bulbs significantly. Using them without a reflector maybe it's a gain of 3%.... so the HPS in vertical grow might improve from 1.7 to 1,75, thats negligle to what an improvement LED can offer.

Modern LED-modules (LM301H) with Redboost 660nm.... can easily reach 3.5 µmol per Watts (PPE). Thats DOUBLE the efficiency to get the same PAR light. Commercial LED lamps beat at least 2,7 PPE

So like I said, when your ambient/LST is already in good range... a good LED-system are always best and more efficient than any bulb can be! You have more flexibility arrangin LEDs for vert.
For on point led vertical growing have a look at @captainmorgan s grows, he has some really good shots for ideas
I always thought being able to use each side of a bulb(no reflector) was a large part of verts efficiency. If one were to go to led this wouldnt be the case and twice the lights would be necessary. Would this actually be more efficient? Seems like this is a unique scenario where hid might be better.
What are u guys thoughts on this?

Corn-cob style arrays - but I've only seen them in 5000k with Edison plugs.

I'm considering re-tooling my strip racks and making an aluminum frame into an octagonal column.
Drivers would go in the center of the column - 3-6 18" strips mounted vertically around the perimeter (or other as I cobble this together)
A circulation fan on top of the column will pull cool air through the bottom and out the top.

It's a bit down the road before I try this though - I'm in the last stages of getting my perpetual up and running (I hope)
2x4 veg tent feeding a 4x6-ish flower space.

edit link:
4 x 4ft fixtures and one on top of one plant, could be 5x5x5 or bigger depending on lights and raise a few feet, wonder what weight it could pull? Had my fantasy thanks.
Vertical growing with the hid bulbs and wall scrogs has always impressed the shit out of me, it’s such a neat workaround of floor space limitations. Half ass wonder if it be possible to diy a big led cylinder for a similar effect.
Vertical growing with the hid bulbs and wall scrogs has always impressed the shit out of me, it’s such a neat workaround of floor space limitations. Half ass wonder if it be possible to diy a big led cylinder for a similar effect.
Why try to cram a square peg into a round hole? Vertical trellis panels don't need to be round.