That LED is ok, but not something I would recommend you spend your money on. If you want the best results you want to mix spectrums. Warm (HPS, 2700-3500k), Cool (MH, 5500-7000k), and UVB.
HPS (warm) can produce over 150 lm/watt
LED (warm/cool) can produce over 150 lm/watt
The LEDs you linked to are more like 100 lm/watt
MH (cool) can produce over 110 lm/watt
UVB Bulbs (not measurable in lumens, but effectively 95 lm/watt in T5,T8 or Tanning bulbs., size to 5w of 10% per sqft)
If I were setting up a system new today I would probably go with HPS/MH sytems + 6500k LEDs + Tanning/Reptile bulbs. LED has a significant advantage on cool colors, but no/little advantage on warm colors...