Led bulbs

Well hello there :)

We made a bulb panel type grow light called the Q2. It's fitted with 96 Samsung LM561C diodes and runs at 36W. We have 1-packs ($55) in three different CCTs, 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K and 2-pack ($99) with 3500K.

Would be happy to provide more info if you could explain how your grow setup/area looks like. Are you looking to grow clones, seedlings, veg, or full cycle? How large area are you looking to cover?
Well hello there :)

We made a bulb panel type grow light called the Q2. It's fitted with 96 Samsung LM561C diodes and runs at 36W. We have 1-packs ($55) in three different CCTs, 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K and 2-pack ($99) with 3500K.

Would be happy to provide more info if you could explain how your grow setup/area looks like. Are you looking to grow clones, seedlings, veg, or full cycle? How large area are you looking to cover?

Yes, its an easy option.

But i meant reall standart led bulbs around 10watt.
Founds some cheep ones for 70cents each 10w bulb. I think they say 90lm/w in data sheet.
But i think its more. And i cut of the white Plastik bulb.
Testet 1 bulb with luxmeter 10inc distance Resultat was +-20.000lux

I didnt found any led bulbs with a samung diods (lm561 or lm301)
But i would be happy with any Infos about bulbs that have min 160 lm/w
I wouldn't use a 70 cent led bulb in my lamp let alone a grow. There are a million better options to save money. You'd probably be better off with a small t5 than 20 of those cheap leds. Hell, you'd probably be better off with 2 normal price walmart leds than 5 of those.
Not all diodes are created equal.
I wouldn't use a 70 cent led bulb in my lamp let alone a grow. There are a million better options to save money. You'd probably be better off with a small t5 than 20 of those cheap leds. Hell, you'd probably be better off with 2 normal price walmart leds than 5 of those.
Not all diodes are created equal.
The pakage says around 1050lm each bulb.
Same as phillips bulbs for +4€

And when i meassure my t5 i get 10.000lumen but direct under it (1inc) .witj one of these bulbs 20.000lumen at 8-10inc Distanz

But i total understand what you say.
That is just a test for me .
I want to know what thes things can do. 100w=7€ no balst needet !
i dont even juse lampholders just wire ,white wood board and some hotglue hardcore diy :D

And i will test the Lumen, if i dont like what i see i will be a vegetativ light
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Many cheap LED bulbs have absolutely terrible power factors. A bad 14w LED bulb I have actually draws .19 amps @120v VA=24, watts=14.3
Power factor = 14.3/24, approx 59%. A good quality bulb will have a power factor of 95%. You have to look at the printing on the bulb to see
mA number and do some rough arithmetic.
Many cheap LED bulbs have absolutely terrible power factors. A bad 14w LED bulb I have actually draws .19 amps @120v VA=24, watts=14.3
Power factor = 14.3/24, approx 59%. A good quality bulb will have a power factor of 95%. You have to look at the printing on the bulb to see
mA number and do some rough arithmetic.
You nailed it on cheap electrical components / horrible driver design.
I keep wondering the same thing on why home center led bulbs seem to be stuck at the same lm/w efficiency as compact fluorescent's. :confused:
The one exception I have found is T8 and T5 LED replacement tubes which can be readily found at efficiencies up to 140 lm/w even with the frosted diffuser in place (which I am a major fan of leaving in place)
