Lebanon Legalizes Medical Cannabis Cultivation


Well-Known Member
The Lebanese parliament on Tuesday passed legislation to legalize cannabis cultivation for medical and industrial purposes, a move that was recommended by economic advisers even before the coronavirus pandemic dealt a devastating blow to the Mediterranean nation's struggling economy.

Under the new law, the cultivation of cannabis by farmers would be regulated within the country, according to The Daily Star, a Lebanese English-language newspaper. Although the plant has long been widely and openly cultivated in Lebanon, particularly in the country's eastern Bekaa Valley, growing cannabis was strictly illegal.

The new law would not legalize marijuana for recreational use. Instead, it would allow for the plant to be grown for export for medicinal and industrial purposes. Under the new legislation, Lebanon would also aim to foster a new legal industry producing cannabis pharmaceutical items, including wellness products and CBD oil. Industrial products, such as fibers for textiles, could also be produced from the plant.

The Lebanese parliament on Tuesday passed legislation to legalize cannabis cultivation for medical and industrial purposes, a move that was recommended by economic advisers even before the coronavirus pandemic dealt a devastating blow to the Mediterranean nation's struggling economy.

Under the new law, the cultivation of cannabis by farmers would be regulated within the country, according to The Daily Star, a Lebanese English-language newspaper. Although the plant has long been widely and openly cultivated in Lebanon, particularly in the country's eastern Bekaa Valley, growing cannabis was strictly illegal.

The new law would not legalize marijuana for recreational use. Instead, it would allow for the plant to be grown for export for medicinal and industrial purposes. Under the new legislation, Lebanon would also aim to foster a new legal industry producing cannabis pharmaceutical items, including wellness products and CBD oil. Industrial products, such as fibers for textiles, could also be produced from the plant.

Great news but I also wonder who will be benefiting from it
Great news but I also wonder who will be benefiting from it

The politicians, and executives of the companies who will produce this weed. The execs will benefit with initial greedy investor money when they take their golden parachutes when their businesses collapse. They'll lay off workers, file for bankruptcy, and pocket all that's left over.

Look at Canada as a prime example of this greed system working. Shitty dispensary cannabis, back-door sales, underpaid and unqualified staff and billions of investor dollars just waiting to be slurped up.

Cannabis is a plant, and should be no less legal than a tomato plant.
Lebanon is a more complicated case. Sectarianism is at the core of every law passed and drags down the country further. What seems as a great article of openness at first is filled with corruption and mafia deals.
Check this out:
The Lebanese parliament on Tuesday passed legislation to legalize cannabis cultivation for medical and industrial purposes, a move that was recommended by economic advisers even before the coronavirus pandemic dealt a devastating blow to the Mediterranean nation's struggling economy.

Under the new law, the cultivation of cannabis by farmers would be regulated within the country, according to The Daily Star, a Lebanese English-language newspaper. Although the plant has long been widely and openly cultivated in Lebanon, particularly in the country's eastern Bekaa Valley, growing cannabis was strictly illegal.

The new law would not legalize marijuana for recreational use. Instead, it would allow for the plant to be grown for export for medicinal and industrial purposes. Under the new legislation, Lebanon would also aim to foster a new legal industry producing cannabis pharmaceutical items, including wellness products and CBD oil. Industrial products, such as fibers for textiles, could also be produced from the plant.


You do realize, basically it's a basic f/u to Hezbollah since they primarily control that valley, no more black market money. Glad they did it...Lebanese hash is awesome. Especially from a hookah.
Most farmers are Hezbollah supporters.
This money will turn clean from the source now, no more money laundering needed :)
Most farmers are Hezbollah supporters.
This money will turn clean from the source now, no more money laundering needed :)

I know, they're pissed, prollynone of the reasons why they try to block it...wonder what the Druze in the north are gonna do now and other factions.

Beirut the Paris of the middle East...
Previously called this way :(
The aim is to keep bringing new laws that broaden the population's perception on the economical potential and social development we can achieve by breaking taboos and misconceptions on certain topics such as legalising cannabis.
I just hope the economical factor won't stay the only entry point to this law. Decriminalising it is another factor to be taken into account. Setting up a transparent tracking mechanism on production will add another layer of credibility to this industry, making it a steady revenue source while building a reputable brand image on the country's produce.
Personally, I don't care about the Druze's reaction or any other sect. I hope one day they won't care about it either.
Lebanon and the Lebanese are a beautiful people. Great food and great heart. All the people need to do is come together as one. Eliminate sec. Lebanon would rise to be a symbol of what people can do in the middle east. During the Latin kingdom is was like that, just people took a great thing and perverted it to see what they wanted. And it happened again both in the wars that happened. Sad to see honestly.