Leaves twisting and curling down + Light Green Tips


Well the title says it all, my leaves are twisting and curling down and to the side. And one of the leaves tips is starting to turn light green.

I am using 4 cfl 23 watts at about 3 inches, growing in soil (I don't know which type of soil), I am giving her tap water that has sit for 24 hours, no nutrients.

Strain is Skunk Automatic Feminized.

I've tried to figure out by searching on the internet but couldn't find a satisfying answer, I honestly don't think I am under watering her.

Here's some picture.


Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you.

Edit: I forgot, she's 13 days old since sprouting out of the soil.


Well-Known Member
It don't look that bad yet what dirt brand is it does it have nutrients in it already? If it does the plant will slowly get worse!


Thanks for the answer, I don't know which type of soil it is. I took the pot outside with the soil in it and just transferred the soil to another pot with my hands (gloves) to make sure it was clean.. I THINK there is already nutrients in it (the white things in the picture?)

Just 12 hours after theses pictures I can already see a little more yellowing... Will my plant survive? I can tell shes still growing normally but theses spots really bother me... What can I do!?


Thanks for the answer, I don't know which type of soil it is. I took the pot outside with the soil in it and just transferred the soil to another pot with my hands (gloves) to make sure it was clean.. I THINK there is already nutrients in it (the white things in the picture?)

Just 12 hours after theses pictures I can already see a little more yellowing... Will my plant survive? I can tell shes still growing normally but theses spots really bother me... What can I do!?
Mystery soil is always a pain in the ass lol.

Before someone here flames you, the white things in the soil is perlite, little extremely porus little stones that are added to soil to hold oxygen for the roots to breathe. They provide no nutritional content at all.

If the soil is too "hot" (heavily blended with nutrients) it will burn your girl as shes still pretty small and still only requires very little food. Avoid flushing if you think the soil already has nutrients blended into it but this is something you really should know, especially with a cannnabis plant.

She dosent look that bad yet. Wait it out, see if it progresses and wait for it to dry out pretty good before you give it any water. Dont panic though, she will survive!


Thanks for the informations, before reading your post I watered her and now she looks bad. I'll wait till the soil dry out before watering again.

Here's what she looks like by now. :-( The camera dosent really pick everything its more ugly in real.

Edit: You're saying that I should not flush? But wouldnt that turn down the nutrients level in the soil and save my plant? Sorry I'm a beginner grower.



Well-Known Member
Shit, I'm in the same boat with a couple dozen seedlings. I just flushed, hopefully it doesn't screw me. Wish I'd seen this thread a few hours ago. (I used potting soil mixed with perlite and dropped sprouted seeds in it)


I've just read about windburn, do you guys think it could be that? I have a fan in the closet (at lowest setting at night and medium setting all day) It's oscillating and its not directly pushing the air on the plant, but still enough to make her "shake".

I'm not sure cause for now, its only affecting the 2 lower leaves.

I don't understand why its just starting to give me trouble, when the first 2 weeks of the seedling were looking very good, and now all of sudden I get this problem in 24 hours :(


Well-Known Member
Those first set of leaves always seem to be the ones that go first. Not really a bad thing. If and when it spreads to your true leaves/regular leaves, that's when you've got an issue on your hands.


Even at 2 weeks old? Seems strange to me.. I never read of anything like that

For now I'll wait till the soil dry out, and I also turned the fan off. I'll update the thread later if I see any change.


Active Member
I highly suggest buying some fresh soil mix. If you have a retailer in your area get some Fox Farm soil. I use Happy Frog but most here swear by Ocean Forest. never use mystery soil from an outside source. God only knows what is in it. Once you get the soil transplant her into at least 2 gallons of soil (I also suggest adding perlite to the mix) 3 would be better. She will never outgrow it.

The main suggestion I have for you is to continue to research and study. I think had you done a bit more planning you would not be having these issues. I don't mean to be condescending or an asshole but anyone can grow pot, to grow good cannabis takes time and planning.

The issue you are having now is not that major. But if you don't change the conditions she is living in, it can only get worse. Best of Luck.

jessica jimenez

New Member
hey that's happening to me! my newer leaves are curling down and turning dark green or yellow it starts at the tips do you know what it could be?.thanks


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the answer, I don't know which type of soil it is. I took the pot outside with the soil in it and just transferred the soil to another pot with my hands (gloves) to make sure it was clean.. I THINK there is already nutrients in it (the white things in the picture?)

Just 12 hours after theses pictures I can already see a little more yellowing... Will my plant survive? I can tell shes still growing normally but theses spots really bother me... What can I do!?
How big of a pot are you growing in? You could very possibly be one to kill a plant with kindness. I'm thinking you have too many nutes in the soil. Specifically Mg, which is causing a calcium lockout. Next time the pot dries out a bit, (which is one reason why we discourage small plants in big pots), Give it a light flush, about 1/2 gallon of room temp water per gallon of soil. Then leave it alone again until it just starts to wilt, then water. You'll prolly go 3 to 4 waterings before needing any nutes.

And don't apologise for being a new-b. So am I in ways.


How big of a pot are you growing in? You could very possibly be one to kill a plant with kindness. I'm thinking you have too many nutes in the soil. Specifically Mg, which is causing a calcium lockout. Next time the pot dries out a bit, (which is one reason why we discourage small plants in big pots), Give it a light flush, about 1/2 gallon of room temp water per gallon of soil. Then leave it alone again until it just starts to wilt, then water. You'll prolly go 3 to 4 waterings before needing any nutes.

And don't apologise for being a new-b. So am I in ways.
Listen to this guy.

Also, one advice I have to give you, as a newbie grower, on general: don't give TOO much attention to your plants. Remember it's a process: things you do now will echo in 4-7 days, maybe not right now. Another advice: ceteris paribus, my friend. Only try one solution per time so you can identify the right one when the time comes.

Specifically for this situation, wait until she's a little bigger and transpose to a new pot with a good and known soil. If that doesn't works, post here again


Well-Known Member
Well the title says it all, my leaves are twisting and curling down and to the side. And one of the leaves tips is starting to turn light green.

I am using 4 cfl 23 watts at about 3 inches, growing in soil (I don't know which type of soil), I am giving her tap water that has sit for 24 hours, no nutrients.

Strain is Skunk Automatic Feminized.

I've tried to figure out by searching on the internet but couldn't find a satisfying answer, I honestly don't think I am under watering her.

Here's some picture.

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Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you.

Edit: I forgot, she's 13 days old since sprouting out of the soil.
