Leaves turning towards light


Something is telling me it really shouldn't be a problem, but you never know... Also in my last topic I was using backyard soil but I'm not anymore (plus these are different plants). Anyways on these 2 little tykes, 1 of each of their initial leaves (dunno what those are called) are turning upwards towards the light. Kind of like it's trying to shield itself or something. Is this anything to be worried about?

In the first pic it might be kinda hard to see but you can tell that it's not really turned the right way. The second is more obvious


JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
it is reaching for light not shielding. LOL it needs bo be as close to the light as possible. like 2 or 3 inches it looks pretty close now but to the side. Also get a small oscilating fan in the area it will help build stem strength if they do stretch to much. they look fine for seedlings thus far tho. remember no nutes till at least the 4th or 5 week depending on your soil.


Lol alright thats cool then. Just didn't wanna get them too close to the light from fear of heat damage. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to place a fan in there though, as that's actually my closet and when I had rigged up a small PC fan it kind of just blew hot air around and got me worried about temperatures.