Leaves turning brown, mostly droopy-first grow please help


I thought it was heat from the bulbs but I backed them up and moved a fan closer.

Now I have no clue. I fed them today but I can't tell if it's too much or too little watering.

What is going on? Please help. +rep for help



do you have any details?
PH of water fed to plants, PH of run off. What you are using to feed, and the N-P-K ratio. How much you fed, how much you water, how often you water, the kind of soil mix you are using and if possible what the soil is comprised of. The EC of the nutrient solution and the EC of the base water you used would help a lot too! Temps, humidity, are circulation are all important things we need to know as well. At first glance i think light stress, but i cannot be sure with out ANY info about the grow.


Yes I agree, it does appear to be light stress... it appears as if too little light all around and the light it does get is waaaay to direct which is burning the spots it is directed on. Loose the incandescents or flouro bulbs and get some cfl's with the tips of plants mere inches away from tubes. Much less heat with the compactsThe amount of stress that plant has evidently incurred is going to effect the potency of your end result assuming you recover the plant at all. I would call it a loss and start from scratch. Maybe prepare for the grow before you start??? From what I can tell so far you need: TDS pen, thermometer(digital), in my opinion new lighting. If you try to recover the plant you will only prolong your grow while it recovers and then it may not recover to full potential, if at all. You'd be gambling to continue that grow