leaves turning brown/grey from tips inward, crumling under

bag seeds
120w cfl
5 wks old
6-10in tall
~2ft from light on a shelf in my white closet
miracle grow 6mon feed if i remember correctly
~12 in a ~5x5x8 rectangular pot - i plan on moving them to a bigger container as soon as they perk up
i realize this is not ideal but its my first go and so i wanted to see what works.
problems first started from what i remember when i took them out of the window sill cause they were getting noticable. started off with a stupid light bulb, did my research and got a cfl. hoped that would fix things but its been a week now and still getting worse. new growth is nice but this keeps happening. i do still have nice healthy looking leaves but im afraid how long they will last
ive done a crap load of reading but not entirely sure what to do and dont want to cause further harm.
did a soil test for ph npk and that was acidic(6-7) and all medium-ish on a high to very low 4 step scale, crude but its all there atleast. i haven't given any extra nutes and have used tap and distilled water. over water would be a possibility but i haven't found any other pics that look like this in that category. another theory is maybe too much light, i've been doing 24 hrs lately with few dark sporadic dark periods( not very scientific at this point), or im wondering if its the ph and if i should just try lowering that.

Oh there are also tiny holes everywhere. no bugs that i have seen and i look regularly.

um so yeah i know ive done a craptastic job so far but i'd like to see a recovery for the planties and for my own knowledge of things



Well-Known Member
It looks like overwating causing a nitrogen defeciency, if your ph is between 6-7 it should be fine, I ph all my water to 6.5-6.8 before i use it.


Well-Known Member
okay...well im a hydro grower so i can only give you so much help with the soil grow....but from what im seeing id say thats a chemical burn...it could be from a combo of youre soil and the tap water you use....tap water is no good!!!.....with hydro i keep my ph at 5 weeks around...5.0 to 6.0...you should find out.. but i believe its slighty higher with the soil grow.....ive been seeing a lot of complaints on the forum from people using miracle gro.....you may wanna change the soil you may be giving it too many nutrients for them being five weeks thats where the chem burn could be coming from also you need a ph tester asap.....but ask around beacause like i said i do hydro....but i think that may be some of youre problems...hope it helps


Active Member
definitely nute burn...and its from the miracle grow...worst soil to use..sorry man u should get them in some fox farm...but flush them really good first...


Well-Known Member
yeah and i heard that some of that miracle gro has time release nutrients in it so if you flush youre still overfeeding id do a transplant....hypothetically if i was a soil grower!!!


Well-Known Member
if it was nute burn the leaves would be more dark green and the burning would be different looking imo. MG soil does tend to be pretty hot and makes burning easy, but i dont think thats the problem here. Relax on the watering and see if that doesnt help. Maybe give a very light foliar feeding. Btw, 2 feet is a long way to keep the lights from the plant. 3-4 inches is where you want it.


Well-Known Member
if it was nute burn the leaves would be more dark green and the burning would be different looking imo. MG soil does tend to be pretty hot and makes burning easy, but i dont think thats the problem here. Relax on the watering and see if that doesnt help. Maybe give a very light foliar feeding. Btw, 2 feet is a long way to keep the lights from the plant. 3-4 inches is where you want it.
i agree i think plants would be alot darker and the burning would be more brown. i think your over watering..as for to much light i dont know if thats possiable alotta people dont have enough light ...and light is either 12/12 or 18 on and over normaly


Damn I have the same problem and I've been using tap water too -___-
Im a first time grower, how should I be watering my plant?