Leaves pointing straight up


Active Member
hello fellow rollitupers :]

for the past couple of days the top leaves have been pointing straight up in the air
i have been trying to read up on it
but there really isnt much on the topic

i have read somewhere that this is when the plant is growing the most

can anyone shed any light on this???

pics dont show it as much but they get like almost vertical
and its not curling

temps: 77-82
humidity 31-45%
nutes: AN sensi bloom 2 part
soil: Fox Farm
water ph level 5.9-6.3
light 600 watt 15 inches off tops



Active Member
took these pics when light was off
usually happens 1hr-1 1/2 hour after i water them when lights are on


Well-Known Member
my understanding is that this is just a sign of a healthy/happy plant. It is just reaching up towards the light. If you aren't seeing signs of the plant stretching, then I would say nothing is wrong. On the other hand, if it starts to be growing vertically too fast, get the light closer or add some light to the room to keep it from stretching. In my opinion, this is not a problem at all.


Active Member
my understanding is that this is just a sign of a healthy/happy plant. It is just reaching up towards the light. If you aren't seeing signs of the plant stretching, then I would say nothing is wrong. On the other hand, if it starts to be growing vertically too fast, get the light closer or add some light to the room to keep it from stretching. In my opinion, this is not a problem at all.
yeah i also read this
but there isnt any sign of stretching
and the plants look healthy
if they start to go vertical again ill take a pic of them to sho u guys

thanx for the fast replies


Well-Known Member
google it or look it up in the FAQ at the top of this page..i never had one just read about it but i dont remember it all..honestly they look good to me


Well-Known Member
i think it happens from underwatering...when u under water salts build up in ur soil that could be harmful to ur plants causing a sulfur defeciency..im not 100% but im pretty sure this is how it happens

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
They look happy and healthy to me. Have you ever heard the expression, praying for magnesium? If your lower and middle leaves are not developing yellow patches between dark green veins you have no magnesium deficiency.

Again, your plants look great I don't think you have any problems. For the first three weeks of flowering stretching is to be expected.


Active Member
They look happy and healthy to me. Have you ever heard the expression, praying for magnesium? If your lower and middle leaves are not developing yellow patches between dark green veins you have no magnesium deficiency.

Again, your plants look great I don't think you have any problems. For the first three weeks of flowering stretching is to be expected.
thanx and yeah i bearly started the 3rd week of flowering on monday so we will see from there


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem with one of my plants. It's really wierd looking. The leaves point straight up. I don't wanna post pics up in your thread tho without ur permission. The leaves are shiny too. Which is pretty eeird. And they're like... Jagged looking almost. Hard to explain. It's about 4 weeks into floweing. It was growin sooo sloww. Now that I think of it. It's in week 6 if flowering. Lol. The pistons came out red and pink. You'll have to see pics of it. I think I might have some pics up in my journal. The one that said my first grow. It's towards the end of the thread