leaves? i am looking for cbd in leaves info


Well-Known Member
i have read that cbds in leaves are a sedative. i cant find if they are water soluble or if it is fat and alcohol like thc. i am thinking that the sedative tea would be nice. Any one else find that thebaine (in oxycodone) and coffee a little too much "crank" occasionally? lol:joint:


New Member
cbd also known as Cannabidiol, is a hydrophobic antioxidant that is soluble in lipids, completely insoluble in water. alone it does not bond to the receptors in your brain that causes you to get high. it is fat soluble however. its known to relieve nasea, even inhibit cancer cell growth. but is classed as a "schedule 1" drug in the united states despite having no psychoactive effects and no known abuse potential. hope that helps.