leaves have gone bright yellow

dj starky

Active Member
hello everone on roll it up!!!!!! right me pal got 2 plants 4 weeks into flowering we had to tie them back cos they go to big for the space since doing this 1 of the plants leaves have gone bright yellow only on the side that is geting the most light the leafs near the tops of the buds are still mostely green but there is a shit load of leafs gone bright yellow!!!!!!!!! the ph of my soil was to high but iv'e been sorting this out during this weeks watering its now at 7!!! :-?:-?:confused::confused:
please note the plants are grown in soil canna pro soil !!!!!

Also in stark contrast to the plant iv'e been teling u about the other plant looks good and has got bigger!!!!!!!!!!! please someone tell me what the fuck is up with the yellow 11111111111111 nice 1 peace