leaves getting crunchy

green fan

Active Member
I don't have ph meter. I have not put any nutes on since I transplanted. They were in MG soil for their first 21 days, some yellowing did occur at that time. It appears to be getting worse.


Well-Known Member
They'll like the new soil better. If you're going to flush, use 3x the amount of (PH Balanced) water it takes to run out the bottom. This will balance the soil PH and strip salts out. I like to do it with distilled myself. You'll need some nutes on them, especially if you flush. Be sure to start at 1/4 strength.

They have PH drops in the fish department at Wal-mart, I got mine at a local hydro shop. Ph is the root of most plant problems!! Check the PH of your water going in & draining out the bottom. Nutes will make your PH very low, you'll need PH UP to get it back. My tap water has a PH over 8.0, so if I use that I use PH down.

As far as how often to water...Water until it's running out the bottom of the pot, then wait until mostly dry again. It's usually like every 4 days for me.



Well-Known Member
i'd give them a day or 2 to rest from the flush, what nutes are you going to use? and as Sheepdog said start at 1/4strength nutes and work slowly upto full strength over 2 weeks and observe them

good luck

green fan

Active Member
I got my ph meter and here are the readings
Plant 1 - 10 inches tall ph 10 - ganesha's dream
Plant 2 - 10 inches tall ph 4 - medijuana
Plant 3 6.5 inches tall ph 10 + medijuan
plant 4 - 8.5 inches, ph 4

What could be causing such variations?
recent transplant to fox farm, flushed
have all of the foxfarms nutes

sorry for poor photo quality



Active Member
I got my ph meter and here are the readings
Plant 1 - 10 inches tall ph 10 - ganesha's dream
Plant 2 - 10 inches tall ph 4 - medijuana
Plant 3 6.5 inches tall ph 10 + medijuan
plant 4 - 8.5 inches, ph 4

What could be causing such variations?
recent transplant to fox farm, flushed
have all of the foxfarms nutes

sorry for poor photo quality
o.k you checked the soil,but did you checked your water ph?

green fan

Active Member
I flushed with distilled water. I did not have the drops at that time.

I need to get some ph up for the low and ph down with the high, correct?


Well-Known Member
It's hard to raise soil PH with the drops, they're to control the water PH...you definitely need the up for when you add nutes to the water. They drive PH way down. I only use the down if I have to use tap instead of distilled and have to lower the PH. I've found for $1 a gallon, it's worth the distilled...I hate the plastic bottles though.

What size pots are those? 8"? I have no idea why the Ph is all over the map like that. I don't have any experience with that style PH tester, I know it's not the best, but shouldn't be that far off. Especially after a distilled water flush. How much water per plant did you use? I'd say that if you have room, re-pot them into 10" or 12" pots and add dolomite lime to your soil. 1-2 tbsp/gallon of soil really does the trick. It balances the PH and gives good minerals. Mix it in the soil a few days before you re-pot. By the way, what kind of soil do you use again?

They look really nice other than those burned leaves, if you get everything balanced out, you'll be surprised how well they bounce back.

Good Luck



Well-Known Member
I just looked back on the old posts and had a few comments.

Foxfarm soil...I remember. definitely the way to go. Should be PH balanced out of the bag though, so that's wierd.

Also, how many days since you transferred? If you haven't hit them with any nutes, they gotta be about ready. Gotta be able to PH the water though or you'll blast them with low PH and be back in trouble.