leaves from an old folkes home


Well-Known Member
hi guys...my buddy has been failing his grow since he thought of the idea :P

anyway, i checked his plants and they look like theyre 90 years old and all wrinkly??
the edges of the leaves are curled up and theyre like wrinkly, and he just foned and said theyre drooping

he has them in 5 ltr pots, hes watering 1ltr every 2 days ...theyre big buddah ak autos and are about 2ft tall and about 4 weeks in! theyre startin to bud, but he just has problem after problem whic is obviously his fault.

he has them under a 600w bulb in a 1m x 1m x 1m room and only a household fan in there blowing air :/


Well-Known Member
So he just waters every 2 days regardless of whether the pots dry or not?. Tell him to water when the pot is very light to lift.