Leaves dying and lost weight at 8wks

This plant is a clone off an earlier bag seed grow. The mother went thru the same thing but I thought I had started flushing too early thus causing the leaves to die as result of lack of nutes.

My grow is a 4x3 closet with a 1000w, botannicare organic nutes w/ AN carboload. Organic soil mix.

So my problem is at about 8 wks now (mother took about 10), the plant was super healthy, the lower fans leaves started yellowing. The top cola was so heavy it had to be tied up to support itself. About 3 nights ago when I checked on ths I noticed all the fan leaves dried out as well as all the small leave on of top 1/3 of the cola. She also seems to have lost at least 50% weight and no longer needs support. I trimmed the dead leaf and by the next day more of the smaller leaves have dried out and they continue dying off. Also has been 4-5 days since watering and the soil is still moist. Trich's are still mainly cloudy with 20-30% still clear, no amber's.

I have a few pics over the last few days, I'll upload them in the morning.. too tired atm..

Any ideas? Deficiency? Or am I just trippin?
I understand the yellowing during flowering is normal but not over 3 days period.. all the others take few weeks and slowly yellow off with the small bud leaves mostly still green at harvest.. anyways..

pics.. just so happens to took one days b4 any signs of problems..


3 days later

Another 30 hours...
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True enough, I have been thinking all along the pots might be on the small side.. it didn't seem to bother the other strains any...

At this point being a week or two from harvest should I just chop her early or wait it out still? Don't really see much point of transplanting this late.. any thoughts?
i'm currently in the same dilemma. started showing root bound symptoms two weeks ago. due to cut a week from today. i'm just letting em ride it out, but i know i have bound not rot. you should make a clear determination before making any decisions.


Well-Known Member
The loss of the fan leaves is due to the ph being wrong, nothing you can do now. With no fan leaves left i find this reduces the weight as well, still you hung on to enough leaves long enough to produce a pretty good bud.