Leaves - Drooping and Cupping downwards? Help pls.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... not my first time growing, but definitely my first time coming accross this issue.

The plants been like this for a week or 2, I water it here and there, so i'm not really sure whether this is over watering, or underwatering... The temps are pretty normal.. and no fertilizers, just been in vegging for a while.

Any ideas guys?

Appreciate it... Thanks



Well-Known Member
i'am going to look at this because i got the same problem and what make's it bad for me is i got two female growing at the same time in the same pot's and water and feed is the same one look like your and one is grow real good i flush and am look at her. I'am late in flowering so i'll clean her up befor i find what is f--- her up and starting over with new item i got to insure it don't happen .


Well-Known Member
i'am going to look at this because i got the same problem and what make's it bad for me is i got two female growing at the same time in the same pot's and water and feed is the same one look like your and one is grow real good i flush and am look at her. I'am late in flowering so i'll clean her up befor i find what is f--- her up and starting over with new item i got to insure it don't happen .
It looks over watered. Leaves usually cup up when they want to conserve water, along with droop. But your soil looks bone dry in that pic. I would bet that it is cause by a poor/stressful watering cycle. You should water when you stick your finger into the soil all the way and the soil is dry at your first knuckle.

I however to water by the weight of the pot. When i water i pic it up and feel how heavy it is. Then i pic it up after the 2nd say and when its light i water. It sound unreliable but it works really well after you get it down.

Basically you usually water when the top of the soil is visually starting to turn dry.

Also when you water be sure to have a little runoff to prevent salt buildup. Yup theres all kinds of shit in tap water.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Lampshade is 100% right about it being a way for the plant to conserve water in the leaves. It does the same thing when the heat is to high in your grow area. I had 2 hot days in a row and 2 of my 6 plants in flowering showed claws right away