Leaves Curling Upwards Help!


Active Member
This plant was brought from the outdoors, into the indoors. It was planted in July so it is about 2 feet tall and now it is indoors. I am using a pair of 27W 55000K flourescent bulbs right now. The trees leaves are curling upwards and seem damaged, you can see little bubbles in the leaf where it curls and I think it may be turning brown. What's my problem!?


Well-Known Member
the best way to change light intensity is gradual. next time, if possible, put the plant in complete shade for a few days to a week before putting it under a floro. this method will never cause a stunt in growth


Active Member
The plant was in the shade for about a day before we switched light sources. I'm not sure of the temp. it does seem a little hot though so i will put another fan on the trees. I am sure about the bulb specs, it says that 27w = 100w so it gives off about 100w. Here are some pics for further diagnosis.



Well-Known Member
Planted in July ?? wow, they are like skeletons. (Not offensive)

what ya feeding them?


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, but here are my thoughts for whatever they're worth.

Your plants look stretched, probably because the lights are too high and (if that's 2x27w cfls) there's not enough of them. Also, you need to get a thermometer in there, preferably with a max/min indicator. Just trying to guess whether or not it "seems a little hot" is not the way to a good harvest, IMHO. If the temps are consistently higher than 85F then you're going to have to figure out a way of cooling it down. Simply putting another fan in there may not help very much because just blowing hot air around does not cool it down.

Just my $0.02.


Active Member
I'm not feeding them anything, i'm new to the game what type of nutrients should I be using, they are planted in soil that was mixed with those white pellet nutrients and thats it.


Well-Known Member
My plants were planted outdoors as well in the end of June. I just transplanted them indoors this past sunday. They seemed very stressed out the first few days and everything looked limp. They are slowly starting to come back, but as they came back the leaves started to curl upwards as well. I let them dry out a bit before I watered them, and after the water, the leaves started to realign themselves. Might just be shock... but your girls deffinatly needed some nutes outside. My plants grew over 5ft and bushy in that time. Next year get them on a better feeding schedule and I bet they will look a ton better!