Leaves curling under.

ole hip

6 weeks in to 12-12 bag seed, soil indoor.Nice buds but the leaves r curling under a little,is that normal?



6 weeks in to 12-12 bag seed, soil indoor.Nice buds but the leaves r curling under a little,is that normal?

mine are doing it also lower down, but think its normal on small leaves. but sure some more experienced people on here will give good sound advice


Well-Known Member
Are they getting enough light a pic would be helpful possibly trim part of the fan leaves off so up top gets more of the focus of light


Well-Known Member
pics please or its almost impossible to help or give good advice, and more info,

are they droopy ? maybe to little water now they are in flowering and grow fast ? or is it clawing (to much Nitrogen in flowering) could be a lot of things, post some pics or try google it, there are guides with pics you can search for similar problems


Well-Known Member
If it just started flowering it's normal. Don't cut any of the fan leafs no point. Pics and how often you water would help.