Leaves curling please HELP!


Active Member
Have a few 4 week old plants using an aero system.

Have only been using full strength nutes for a week, and some of my leaves are curling.

When mixing I mix it in a litre jug, the water ph is at 7 (normal) then put in dutchmaster A & B, then add rhizotonic for root strength and cal-mag. Then put into tank with required water amount and then I adjust ph.

Also is this the correct way to mix nutes?

Running ph at 6 to 6.5 as always.

Anyone suggestions would be great. Thanks people.


Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
He's using a hydro system u twit!! How u supposed to water every 3-4 days in hydro??? How old r your plants bro? I'd try half strength nutes for a couple of days.


Active Member
Thanks Iron lungz, plants are 4 weeks old. I'll try half strength nutes and see how they go, shall let you know in a few days.

Once again thanks.


Well-Known Member
I do ebb and flow my cycle is 3x's a day 30 min intervals when lights on but if your doing straight aero cycle should be something like 1 min. on 5 min. off.