Leaves curling and turning brown 3 weeks into veg

Hey guys, first time DWC grower here. Was off to an insanely good start with all three all of my plants. My one plant (grape pupil) was showing insane growth for a few days and then out of no where I checked on her in the morning before work yesterday and her leaves started curling like tacos and turned like shiny brown.

I had it in the same bucket for 6 days with the following levels in the bucket.

pH 5.8-6
EC 1.55
Water temp: 67 F light off , 69-70 F light on
Tent temp: 73-75 F light on 65-67 F light off
45%-50% humidity (light off can get up to 55-60%)

I have the California light works 250 LED and it called for 18” during veg. and I have a tape measure to keep it at that distance but she was growing so fast it was hard to keep up. Every time I would check her she grew another half-full inch. I have an inline fan and oscillating fan as well to control temperatures.

My question here is, do you guys think this is light burn or nutrient burn? Any insight would be appreciated because she has a beautiful root system and I don’t want to start losing her.
From how spread out the burning is (between leaves) I feel like it has to be some type of nute burn/deficiency.


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when I do my bucket change should I increase nute levels or decrease? I’m not sure if I’m over feeding or under feeding
Did your ppm rise or fall? That will tell you what way to go with your solution at res change. If it rose very little then your pretty good if it rose a lot then you need to lower it at change and if it fell then you need to increase it a little. Look up hydro charts for rising and falling ph and EC it will explain it very clearly
Did your ppm rise or fall? That will tell you what way to go with your solution at res change. If it rose very little then your pretty good if it rose a lot then you need to lower it at change and if it fell then you need to increase it a little. Look up hydro charts for rising and falling ph and EC it will explain it very clearly

EC did Indeed increase over time from 1.45 to 1.55 I was using general hydroponics grow chart because those are the nutes I’m using but I think I was reading a week ahead on growth chart and feeding to much. Going to flush for a day and then drop EC to .8 like our friend below said. Thanks!!
Great to know. It’s like I forgot i live America where everyone is trying to rob you ….lol I will probably be following up to give some updates might be to late but we shall see
so I got her back on nutes EC .83 pH 5.6 and I let drift to 5.9-6 then drop a little pH down when it hits 6. Is rising pH pretty typical when you swap a bucket? I noticed it takes a few days to keep a steady pH level.

It looks like the plant growth has halted quite a bit (expected) but the root system still looks great and the curling/browning doesn’t seem to be spreading at all.

I realize healing will take time but my question is, should I cut the brown/dieing leaves off my plant or just let them go for now and hope they rejuvenate? A few are getting real brown and crispy. See pictures below;


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Ph drift is normal as long as it doesn't go crazy. Damaged leave won't recuperate, I would remove the two worst ones and let the rest stay, as they will help with the recovery. I see a lot of feeder roots starting. That's always a good sign.
Do you run air stones in your buckets? Looks like it could use more air.
Yes I have a 4 inch stone in each bucket. Might need to double up? Or buy bigger stones? My air pump is already maxed at 4 tubes I would have to buy another pump if I added more stones
I think you gave them to much ec. More is not better, usually ¾ recommended strength is perfect. Learn your early signs, should of noticed leaf curl and tip burn
I think you gave them to much ec. More is not better, usually ¾ recommended strength is perfect. Learn your early signs, should of noticed leaf curl and tip burn

Yes i did indeed over feed. I appreciate the insight on nute strength and keeping EC levels much lower than the levels I was running. It was weird how fast the curling/browning started (over a 12-13 hour period) and I really didn’t see much for early signs but that also could be my inexperience. Also it was obviously bound to happen at some point so I’m just glad I am getting it under control and I didn’t burn my other two plants. Thanks!
Yes i did indeed over feed. I appreciate the insight on nute strength and keeping EC levels much lower than the levels I was running. It was weird how fast the curling/browning started (over a 12-13 hour period) and I really didn’t see much for early signs but that also could be my inexperience. Also it was obviously bound to happen at some point so I’m just glad I am getting it under control and I didn’t burn my other two plants. Thanks!
Lockout from high ec means the pant isn't moving water because the solution it is in is killing it. So it's drying and burning up fast. Not like ph lockout where the plant just struggles to get enough of a specific thing...
Once again thanks everyone she is back to healthy growth. About to flip these to flower soon but I want my back plant to catch up a little. I can imagine I will have my struggles so I will be posting again after a few weeks into flower.


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Additionally can too much RH hurt a plant in veg? I been getting some humid days recently. I just ordered a dehumidifier for when I switch to flower that is coming in soon but I’m curious if I should try to keep 50-60% right now (I go up in to the 70% range lights off)