Hey guys, first time DWC grower here. Was off to an insanely good start with all three all of my plants. My one plant (grape pupil) was showing insane growth for a few days and then out of no where I checked on her in the morning before work yesterday and her leaves started curling like tacos and turned like shiny brown.
I had it in the same bucket for 6 days with the following levels in the bucket.
pH 5.8-6
EC 1.55
Water temp: 67 F light off , 69-70 F light on
Tent temp: 73-75 F light on 65-67 F light off
45%-50% humidity (light off can get up to 55-60%)
I have the California light works 250 LED and it called for 18” during veg. and I have a tape measure to keep it at that distance but she was growing so fast it was hard to keep up. Every time I would check her she grew another half-full inch. I have an inline fan and oscillating fan as well to control temperatures.
My question here is, do you guys think this is light burn or nutrient burn? Any insight would be appreciated because she has a beautiful root system and I don’t want to start losing her.
From how spread out the burning is (between leaves) I feel like it has to be some type of nute burn/deficiency.
I had it in the same bucket for 6 days with the following levels in the bucket.
pH 5.8-6
EC 1.55
Water temp: 67 F light off , 69-70 F light on
Tent temp: 73-75 F light on 65-67 F light off
45%-50% humidity (light off can get up to 55-60%)
I have the California light works 250 LED and it called for 18” during veg. and I have a tape measure to keep it at that distance but she was growing so fast it was hard to keep up. Every time I would check her she grew another half-full inch. I have an inline fan and oscillating fan as well to control temperatures.
My question here is, do you guys think this is light burn or nutrient burn? Any insight would be appreciated because she has a beautiful root system and I don’t want to start losing her.
From how spread out the burning is (between leaves) I feel like it has to be some type of nute burn/deficiency.