Leave curling in on themselves


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I am growing in FFOF and FFHF. I do not feed anything except FF Flowers Kiss, Boomerang, and Microbrew, which I only fed once to them. Ph going in is always between 6.2-6.5. A few leaves are curling into themselves on 2-3 plants. They are under a 1000W MH. 30" from the light. Fans are always oscillating on them. Here are a few pictures:

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I have read that this could be a mag deficiency. In my soil I mixed in 2 tbls of dolomite lime 2-3 weeks ago. I know there is mag and cal in the dolomite lime. I dont want to add anything unless I know 100% what is causing this. Temps are always 73ish and Rh is 55%. Thanks everyone for taking a look. Also some leaf stems are purple.

Sorry about the double post. I screwed up the edit and hit save. My bad.


Well-Known Member
Some strains naturally will have purplish stems to them, but with the other problems you are having I would say your baby's have a little cal/mag issue. I like to topdress with Gypsum and E.W.C. this seems to help out quite a bit with this. I really don't think they look that bad yet, so maybe a topdress will work in time, you may want to give them a little shot of a cal/mag solution and then topdress though to get things moving in the right direction. A small dose of hydrated lime will work to get them back on track as well, and in a hurry but you can burn your baby's with the hydrated lime the dolomite is better but takes a little longer to kick in. Best of luck, :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
you dont have any Epsom salt around ?

I cant live with out it, my strain (LSD) is big Mg lover`s

I get mine in my wellness shop down the main road, 6$ for 500g

normally use it in between nutrients when I do "clean" water, just like 1/2 a ts in a gallon of water

beside Magnesium it also provide my plant`s with sulfate, make em look happy and healthy


Well-Known Member
Is the temp of 73ish right at the canopy, and are you misting them and getting the leaf curl? Usually when you see a leaf curl on the edges like that it is trying to cool itself. I think the humidity is just fine, I've had mine way below that before. :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its right at the canopy. Its weird. Here is a picture of a leaf just a minute ago.


The first three leaves have an irregular surface and are showing a tinge of yellowing along the central vein.

The second three leaves are showing a fade out to yellow in the mid to upper 1/3 of the leaf. The 5th photo was under the Sunmaster MH which is a slightly red MH bulb.

Thanks guys. I am just trying to stay out in front of any problems.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I am growing in FFOF and FFHF. I do not feed anything except FF Flowers Kiss, Boomerang, and Microbrew, which I only fed once to them. Ph going in is always between 6.2-6.5. A few leaves are curling into themselves on 2-3 plants. They are under a 1000W MH. 30" from the light. Fans are always oscillating on them. Here are a few pictures:

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I have read that this could be a mag deficiency. In my soil I mixed in 2 tbls of dolomite lime 2-3 weeks ago. I know there is mag and cal in the dolomite lime. I dont want to add anything unless I know 100% what is causing this. Temps are always 73ish and Rh is 55%. Thanks everyone for taking a look. Also some leaf stems are purple.

Sorry about the double post. I screwed up the edit and hit save. My bad.

get some blower and comb sir!

just kidding sorry for spamming.
add more drainage holes and perlite if they are still small enough to get some in. Then flush hard un phed water that has been sitting aerated for 24 hours. Top the FFoF with cow manure composted from the store mixed with perlite or coconut chips or something. Then water with compost tea blended with some yucca extract. least thats what I would do

there is like to much salt in the ffof from whatever .. I believe but not enough to show burn in conjunction it looks like the growth is irregular which id say means not enough air to the roots. How often do you water? I like for my soil to be so airy that I have to water daily.


Active Member
Wouldn't a simple answer be the case here? If its indica it curls naturally if its not it could be heat stress from high humidity plants look great why so concerned


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't a simple answer be the case here? If its indica it curls naturally if its not it could be heat stress from high humidity plants look great why so concerned
Cause I am a freak. :bigjoint: They are mostly Indica. Thanks for the info. I learned something new today.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of being a freak.:eyesmoke: I just took these pics. I have not seen this before in the temps I am growing in. I swear its 73. Rh is 45-50 today.



Active Member
Notice you mentioned fans are always oscillating on them, this can dry the leaves and cause the curl. might be worth trying the fan blowing between the light and canopy rather than directly on the plant leaf


Well-Known Member
Looking at the yellowing starting, I would say you're close with your Ca/Mg suggestion that someone gave, but also, I read yesterday somebody mentioned that P helps open the stems up so that they can take up the water better/ easier.
I haven't had a need to, but you might look into that, because it definitely looks like more of a drying out issue than a nute issue at the moment.
As suggested, maybe turn your fans a little also, and see if that helps.
I wouldn't go tossing a lot of nutes at it right now, but maybe just a regular feed, since you mentioned you have only fed once, but make sure you add a little Cal/Mag, or at least some regular old Epsom salt from the grocery store.
I usually do 1 tsp/ gal.



Well-Known Member
Its funny. I just added 150 ppm of CalMag in a plain watering. I am in FFOF and FFHF so I wont be adding nutes for awhile. Just 16 oz of plain water and CalMag as needed. Ph was at 6.4. I'll watchout for the P. I have a humidifier running too. Now I am going to puff on some OG Kush. Thanks Bakatare. It is an awesome quote.


Well-Known Member
I would probably top dress with some high N and P bat guano and some E.W.C. and put some gypsum or lime in with it as well. I really think that would help quite a bit. I usually top dress with some E.W.C. every other week or so, it really helps keep the myko colonies alive and thriving. I also work the top soil every other day to keep it from getting a hard crust layer and to help soil aeration as well. Humidifiers work well in veg, you might want to turn it on med or high and time it to see how long it takes to get the humidity to the level you want and then put it on a timer, that's what I do when I run one. Keeping it by an oscilating fan will help with the even dispersal of the humidity. You were saying something earlier about mortarebel, were you talking about Herijuana by chance, I can't remember exactly what you wrote off hand. I've always wanted to get my hands on a cut of that stuff, heard it's a real mind blower. Anyways back to your situation. I really think the bat guano and E.W.C. could help, and by putting that and some kind of longer acting form of Cal and Mg you will keep this from happening again for a while without having to add cal/mag all the time. It should help your soil ph as well. Plus the added P will help your root system develop much better, getting it ready for big flowers. Roots B4 Chutes B4 Big Ass Fruits:bigjoint:Top dressing at first sounded a little dumb to me but after seeing what the results can be I was a complete believer. I hope some of this helps, I really love to see a girl as happy as possible, even if she isn't mine. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Myco. I really appreciate the help. I have yellow and green labelled budswell and so much E.W.C. its not even funny. The Motarebel Herijuana was used at Sannies to sell his version of Herijuana. It came right from the breeder himself. he has a working relationship of sorts with Sannies it seems. You can get Motarebel gear at THCfarmer but you have to purchase Bitcoins to buy on the site. Its easy but strange. They have a cool forum and many breeders who are trying to make a name for themselves. Take a peek.